
  • 救世主 Le sauveur


    导演:Michel Mardore   编剧:Michel Mardore

    主演:Muriel Catalá, Horst Buchholz, Danièle Ajoret

      This is the Summer of 1943 and the place is rural France. The weather is fine and sunny and life is sweet. On one of these beautiful days, Nanette, a fourteen-year-old peasant girl, meets a slightly injured young man near the farm she lives on. Named Claude, he claims to be an English paratrooper, sent there to organize resistance to the Nazis. Although her parents have taught ...

  • sauve que pneu


    导演:Amaury Bretnacher, Chloé Carrere, Théo Huguet, Leia Jutteau, Louis Martin, Charlie Pradeau, Mingrui Zhuang   编剧:


      Following his robbery, a man finds himself forced to board into a little grandma's car to escape the police through the colorful streets of Cuba.

  • 拯救兔子 Lyon, sauvetage de lapins; innondations


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