
  • 电磁过敏 Electric Malady


    导演:Marie Lidén   编剧:


      From within a cocoon of layered blankets, William copes with a life consumed by electrosensitivity, in this touching experiential portrait of isolation and survival.
      Living alone in nature, accompanied by his music collection and candles, William sleeps inside a makeshift contraption that protects him from the effects of electricity. Visual artist Marie Lidéns’ mother suffered ...

  • 风流女房东 The Notorious Landlady

    类型:喜剧, 悬疑

    导演:理查德·奎因   编剧:布莱克·爱德华兹, 拉里·吉尔巴特, 马格丽·夏普

    主演:金·诺瓦克, 杰克·莱蒙, 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔, 莱昂内尔·杰弗里斯

      When William Gridley arrives from the US in London, he rents part of Carly Hardwicke's house from her and promptly begins to fall in love. Gridley doesn't know that many people think she killed her husband but his boss, the American ambassador, knows and doesn't take this "lapse of judgement" lightly. Since Carly is also American, Gridley saves his job by introducing her to the...

  • Ironlady Academy

    类型:爱情, 同性, 运动

    导演:   编剧:


      泰国KNK ELITE公司出品的体育题材新剧
      Ironlady Academy The Series 释出了最新的预告

  • 三个火枪手:米莱迪 Les Trois Mousquetaires: Milady

    类型:动作, 历史, 冒险

    导演:马丁·布尔布隆   编剧:马修·德拉波特, 大仲马, 亚历山大·德·拉·巴特里耶

    主演:马克·巴贝, 帕特里克·米勒, 詹姆斯·弗林, 艾瑞克·拉夫, 亚力克西斯·马沙利克, 伊凡·弗拉内克, 朱利安·弗里森, 提布尔·凡松, 伊娃·格林, 文森特·卡塞尔, 薇姬·克里普斯, 路易·加瑞尔, 琳娜·库德里, 雅各布·福琼·劳埃德, 弗朗索瓦·西维尔, 罗曼·杜里斯, 皮奥·马麦, 拉尔夫·阿穆苏, 卡米莉·拉瑟福德

      From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.

  • 查泰莱夫人的情人 L'amant de lady Chatterley


    导演:Marc Allégret   编剧:D. H. 劳伦斯, Gaston Bonheur, 马克·阿勒格莱

    主演:Danielle Darrieux

      故事发生在第一次世界大战结束之后,战争给克里夫特查泰来爵士(里奥·吉恩 Leo Genn 饰)带来了永久的创伤,亦给他同妻子康妮(达尼尔·达黎欧 Danielle Darrieux 饰)之间的婚姻造成了无法弥补的缺憾。无奈之下,年轻的康妮只能终日生活在压抑之下。
      一次偶然中,康妮邂逅了名为帕尔金(艾诺·克利萨 Erno Crisa 饰)的男子,后者是查泰来爵士雇佣的园丁。康妮无法自持的被体格壮硕充满了男子气概的帕尔金吸引着,两人天雷勾地火,很快走到了一起,在帕尔金强壮蛮横的肉体之中,康妮重新找回了身为女人的意义和快乐。然而,好景不长,就在康妮怀上了帕尔金的孩子之后,帕尔金的妻子现身揭露了他们两人的奸情。

  • 魔鬼女房东 The Landlady

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:罗伯特 马伦凡特 (Robert Malenfant)   编剧:弗兰克 雷赫沃尔德 (Frank Rehwaldt), George Saunders (I)

    主演:塔莉娅·夏尔, 杰克·科尔曼

      发布于1998年。由罗伯特 马伦凡特 (Robert Malenfant)执导,并且由编剧弗兰克 雷赫沃尔德 (Frank Rehwaldt)、George Saunders (I)携幕后团队创作。集众多位塔莉娅·夏尔、杰克·科尔曼等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1998-11-10公映的电影。

      In Sunshine, Nevada, the middle-aged housewife Melanie Leroy sees her husband Ralston Leroy shagging her neighbor and she freaks out. Then she poisons Ralston, who is allergic to seafood, in the dinner. Melanie travels to the California to the apartment building that she has inherited from her aunt and when she meets her tenant Patrick Forman, she believes that he would be a perfect husband for her. She uses her maiden name, Melanie Leroy, and becomes obsessed for him, killing anyone that might interpose between Patrick and her.

  • 消失在北方的岩石


    导演:沈蕊兰   编剧:沈蕊兰

    主演:邓梦怡, 李瑞

      An old lady in deep sleep, back in time, dreaming of her past lover...

  • 冬日肌肤 Winterskin


    导演:Charlie Steeds   编剧:Charlie Steeds

    主演:Kate Davies-Speak, Peter Cosgrove, Barrington De La Roche

      Gunned down in the snowy wilderness and desperate for shelter, Billy Cavanagh is taken in by kooky old lady Agnes, unaware that her isolated log cabin is surrounded by bloodthirsty skinless creatures hellbent on getting inside.

  • 向日葵 Sunflower


    导演:Charlotte Michel   编剧:


      The portrait of a young lady from the XIXth century falls in love with an art student and by escaping with him gets a very Cartesian investigator out of his routine.

  • 恶灵 Devil Djinn


    导演:Scott Jeffrey   编剧:Scott Jeffrey

    主演:Sarah T. Cohen, Megan Purvis, 尼科拉·赖特

      A young lady unleashes a demonic Genie from an amulet.

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