
  • 水的记忆 Veden vartija


    导演:Saara Saarela   编剧:Emmi Itäranta, Ilja Rautsi

    主演:劳瑞·提卡宁, Mimosa Willamo, 佩卡·斯特朗, Ergo Küppas, 米娜·哈普吉拉, Kheba Touray, Viktoria Jelizarova

      In this dystopian literary adaptation, a courageous young woman fights for fresh water in the Scandinavian Union, an area that has dried up due to environmental disaster and a repressive military government.

  • 三姐妹,被背叛的滋味 Tria - del sentimento del tradire


    导演:Giulia Grandinetti   编剧:

    主演:Irene Casagrande, Anastasia Almo, Sofia Almo, Laura Giannatiempo

      In a dystopian Rome, a law asses that Roma families cannot have more than three children. What price are we willing to pay today, just to find a place in the world?

  • 昱尘 Helio


    导演:Teddy Cecil   编剧:Teddy Cecil


      One worker sparks a revolution when he attempts to break free of his dystopian underworld.

  • 永远的杰西卡 Jessica Forever


    导演:约纳坦·维奈勒, 卡罗利娜·波吉   编剧:卡罗利娜·波吉, Jonathan Vinel

    主演:奥米·穆尤克, 塞巴斯蒂安·乌泽多夫斯基, 伊莲娜·扎贝斯

      In a dystopian world where violent misfits reign supreme, one woman and her makeshift family of rehabilitated m.77mi.cc marauders fight for peace.

  • 未来的事 Things to Come


    导演:Derek Todd   编剧:Michael Greenwood

    主演:Jim Curtis, Barbara Fisk

      A dystopian Sci-Fi sex adventure.

  • 娱乐系统已崩溃 The Entertainment System is Down


    导演:鲁本·奥斯特伦德   编剧:


      “The Entertainment System is Down” will once again be a comedy with a sociological edge. The feature project is set on board a long-haul flight and inspired by Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel “Brave New World.”

  • 起死回生 Resurrected

    类型:科幻, 恐怖

    导演:埃格尔·巴拉诺夫   编剧:Joe Rechtman

    主演:蒂莫西·V·墨菲, 戴夫·戴维斯, 克里斯汀·阿瑞扎

      In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders.

  • 浮云世态 Everything Will Change

    类型:剧情, 科幻

    导演:马丁·佩尔西尔   编剧:马丁·佩尔西尔, Aisha Prigann

    主演:Jessamine-Bliss Bell, 杰奎琳·陈, 薇比珂·哈斯特伦, Gert-Jan Louwe, 保罗·G·雷蒙德, 诺亚·萨维德拉

      In a dystopian 2054, three friends go on a road trip into the past. On their journey, they rediscover lost biodiversity. How could it all disappear? When the friends find the key to a decisive moment in time everything will change.