
  • 阿露薇 Aruvi


    导演:阿让·普拉布·普瑞索   编剧:阿让·普拉布·普瑞索

    主演:Aditi Balan, Mohammad Ali, Pradeep Anthony, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy

      A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it difficult to fit in the society. She decides to take it hard on the people. What she does is the rest of the story.

  • 幸福泌尿科 비뇨기과 여의사들


    导演:Jo Tae-ho (조태호)   编剧:

    主演:金智妍, Joo Hee(주희), Yoo Jong-hae(유종해), Jo Yong-bok(조용복)

      A female urologist struggles to find patients until she decides to use her own body to treat the patients, which leads to success.

  • 贝尼尔德 Benilde ou a Virgem Mãe


    导演:曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉   编剧:何塞·雷吉奥, 曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉

    主演:Maria Amélia Matta, Jorge Rolla, Varela Silva, 格洛丽亚·德·马托斯, 玛丽娅·巴罗索, Augusto De Figueiredo, Jacinto Ramos

      A young girl, Benilde, so protected by her religious family that she seemingly knows nothing about procreation, insists that her mysterious pregnancy is a miracle; however, her distressed bourgeois family decides that Benilde has lost her mind.

  • 墨西哥围墙 The Wall of Mexico

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:扎卡里·科特勒, 马格达莱娜·季扎克   编剧:扎卡里·科特勒

    主演:杰克逊·拉斯波恩, 埃塞·莫拉雷斯, Marisol Sacramento, Carmela Zumbado

      A wealthy Mexican family decides to build a wall around their ranch to stop townspeople from stealing their well water.

  • 牙仙3 Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction


    导演:Louisa Warren   编剧:Tom Jolliffe

    主演:Anthony Howes, Andrew Rolfe, 安妮·诺克斯

      Corey and his daughter, Sally, decide to go on a summer break with friends, Diane, Christy, Toby and Benny. Little do they know, Corey's past is going to catch up to him.

  • 啤酒窃贼 Beerbug

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 奇幻

    导演:Ander Mendia   编剧:Ander Mendia


      IMDB:Joe, who is busy running an old roadside petrol station, decides to take a break and have a beer. His efforts at enjoying his beer fail because someone is robbing him right under his nose. 加油站大叔遇到失去了啤酒,获得了……

  • 成人记 Pornopung

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Johan Kaos   编剧:Kirsten Bonnén Rask, Johan Kaos, Mads Larsen, Harald Mæle Jr., Ragnhild Tronvoll

    主演:Ole Christoffer Ertvaag, Herbert Nordrum, Anders Rydning, Gitte Witt, Trine Sjurseike

      The novice Christian discovers a new world when big-time pick up artists Karl and Leo decide to teach him the tricks of their trade and change him into the kind of guy girls want to sleep with.

  • 逃亡之路 Faux fuyants


    导演:Alain Bergala, Jean-Pierre Limosin   编剧:Philippe Arnaud, Alain Bergala

    主演:奥利维尔·佩里耶, Rachel Rachel, Serge De Closets

      After coming out of a cinema, car driver Serge accidentally hits a man. Panic forces him to escape.Later,due to a guilty consciences,he decides to hang around the victim's family.

  • 小猫俱乐部・危机一发 おニャン子ザ・ムービー 危機イッパツ!


    导演:原田真人   编剧:原田真人

    主演:江口洋介, 原田游人, 伊武雅刀, 今井萌, 国生小百合, 宫川一朗太, 桃井薰, 关根勤, 安冈力也

      The story revolves around a hardcore Onyanko Club fanatic who decides he wants to kill the girls to prevent the young, cute idols from getting old and married - in a sense, to preserve their youth for eternity.

  • 夏季之白 Blanco de Verano


    导演:罗德里戈·鲁伊斯·帕特森   编剧:Raúl Sebastian Quintanilla, 罗德里戈·鲁伊斯·帕特森

    主演:Adrián Ross, Sophie Alexander-Katz, Fabián Corres

      Rodrigo is a solitary teenager, a king in the private world he shares with his mother. Things change when she takes her new boyfriend home to live. He must decide if he fights for his throne and crushes the happiness of the person he loves the most.