
  • 坟墓舞者 The Gravedancers

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:迈克·门德兹   编剧:Brad Keene, Chris Skinner

    主演:克莱儿·克拉莫 Clare Kramer, 多米尼克·珀塞尔, 约希·麦兰, Marcus T. Thomas, 梅根·佩里

      哈里斯(Dominic Purcell 饰)、吉拉(Josie Maran 饰)和希德(Marcus Thomas 饰)是当年同在一所学校求学的好友,他们的一个老友因车祸不幸身亡,三人参加完葬礼后决定借酒浇愁。天色已晚,当地酒吧皆已打烊。他们突发奇想,竟跑去墓地喝酒狂欢。希德偶然在一块墓碑上发现一条神秘的铭文,三人读过后不以为意,继而在墓园中尽情起舞。
      但在次日,离奇怪异的事情不约而同找上他们。恰逢此时,心灵专家文森特(Tchéky Karyo 饰)出现,指出哈里斯众人在墓园中的做法亵渎并唤醒了沉睡于此的恶灵,他们必须在下个月圆之夜到来前找到对策,否则命将不保……

  • 迪斯科舞星 Disco dancer

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 歌舞

    导演:Babbar Subhash   编剧:Rahi Masoom Reza, Deepak Balraj Vij

    主演:拉杰·肯南, Mithun Chakraborty, Kim, Kalpana Iyer

      故事从孟买的小孩阿尼(米特胡恩·查克拉波尔迪 Mithun Chakraborty 饰)开始,他与艺人拉杰(拉杰·肯南 Rajesh Khanna 饰)在街头以吉他和鼓表演。阿尼与富家小女孩瑞塔交上了朋友,这在传统观念下是不被允许的,导致了阿尼一家被迫离乡背井。
      随着时间的推移,萨米(Karan Razdan 饰)成为了印度最著名的舞蹈明星,但他的不端行为让经纪人大卫非常不满,于是他开始寻找替代者。阿尼因为表演约翰·屈伏塔在《周末夜狂热》中的形象而成为布朗的候选人。然而,阿尼的出色表演引起了萨米的嫉妒,他让姐姐丽塔去破坏阿尼的演出,但丽塔却被阿尼出色的演技所打动。

  • 天真的欢乐 The Pleasures of Innocence


    导演:Larry Revene   编剧:Dick Thomas

    主演:约翰·莱斯利, Tish Ambrose, Sharon Kane, 唐雅·劳森, 安琪儿

      Two Go-Go dancers from Iowa go to New York City to attend a famous strippers school so they can become feature dancers. The cast is a whose who of slick 80's porn.

  • 霹雳舞 Break

    类型:喜剧, 歌舞

    导演:马克·福查德   编剧:Marc Fouchard, François-Régis Jeanne

    主演:萨巴纳·奥扎尼, 凯文·米契尔

      Lucie, a young dancer suffers an accident. When she wakes up from a coma, she and her partner start training for a dance show. On the way, she starts looking for her estranged father, a path that might lead her to life-changing love.

  • The Next Town I'm Painting


    导演:Alex Joseph   编剧:Alex Joseph

    主演:Emma Lindsay

      An aspiring dancer and amateur writer struggles against her rising anxiety as she looks to start her life over again.

  • 掷地有声 第四季 Hit the Floor Season 4


    导演:James LaRosa   编剧:James LaRosa, Kristen SaBerre

    主演:亚当·塞恩, 布兰特·安东尼洛

      Ahsha Hayes enters the wild world of professional basketball when she tries out for the elite L.A. Devil Girls dance team against the wishes of her mother Sloane, a former dancer herself.

  • Skin


    导演:Filomena Guarasci   编剧:Alberto Diamante

    主演:Chloe Van Landschoot, Sarah Fisher, Douglas Nyback

      An exotic dancer, upon finding out she has Muscular Dystrophy, decides to pursue a career as stand-up comedian. In her journey Rachel discover deeps secrets about herself and her sexuality.

  • Penari村的社区服务计划 KKN di Desa Penari


    导演:Awi Suryadi   编剧:Gerald Mamahit, Lele Laila, SimpleMan

    主演:Tissa Biani Azzahra, Achmad Megantara, Calvin Jeremy

      Five students who had to carry out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate that leading to the mysterious place that may related to the figure of a beautiful dancer who began to disturb them.

  • 热舞飞扬 Battle


    导演:Katarina Launing   编剧:Maja Lunde

    主演:Lisa Teige, Vebjørn Enger, Karen-Lise Mynster, Stig R. Amdam, Sigyn Åsa Sætereng, Charlott Utzig

      Apparently Amalie has everything, but one day it collapses, and she has to move from it all - then she meets Mikael, a hip-hop dancer, good at battle.

  • 为什么不是你 Hochwald

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Evi Romen   编剧:Evi Romen

    主演:诺亚·萨维德拉, Lissy Pernthaler, 托马斯·普伦 Thomas Prenn, Marco di Sapia, Helmuth Häusler, 伊丽莎白·卡内蒂斯, Claudia Kottal

      Mario, a young dancer living in a small village has to face the loss of his beloved best friend Lenz, victim of an attack in a gay club.

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