
  • 顿巴斯营在2014.的伊洛瓦里安 Іловайськ 2014. Батальйон Донбас


    导演:伊凡·提姆钦科   编剧:Mykhaylo Brynykh

    主演:Serhiy Detyuk, Taras kostanchuk, 埃文尼亚·拉玛赫, Oleksiy Makhlay, Oleksandr Mavritz, Sergey Malyuha, 奥列克桑德·纳扎尔奇克

      Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in qigou.cc the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory...

  • 梦想与现实

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:小夕   编剧:小夕, 马远, 熊琛, 史柄庚

    主演:小夕, 熊琛, 刘宇珽

      第一季于2014.11.14上线,共8集,以时尚 ,前卫 ,恶搞,张扬个性的人物故事,来展示电影和现实生活的强烈对比。

  • 莫瑞莫 Moriom

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Francesca Scalisi, Mark Olexa   编剧:


      Summer 2014. Rural Bangladesh. When the tragedy happens, Moriom becomes a flower-angel to destroy all the bad things in the world. And to rescue herself.

  • 乞求 out of the closet

    类型:短片, 同性

    导演:阿马拉·卡什   编剧:JR Thal

    主演:Damien Diaz, Daniele La Leggia
