五伙伴历险记 The Famous Five-电影剧情介绍
但现在我有机会了解乌兹别克斯坦正在进行的改革和乌兹别克人身份认同的观念,它的意义就更多了。这部电影体现了乌兹别克斯坦如今希望在自身身上看到的许多价值观(我认为 MCU 电影体现了美国价值观)。它反映了一个经常被夹在大国之间的国家,但又拥有独立的弱势群体身份。电影中有很多关于为自由和解放而战的语言。电影中也有很多关于男子气概的讨论(特别是在战斗、学习和领导之间),虽然他们确实依赖于陷入困境的少女的形象,但她是一个反抗者。
At first blush, Elparvar (roughly “born from the ashes”) is a big historical action-drama. It’s set during the late Khwarazmian Empire, with the imminent invasion of the Mongols. It follows a young man from a family torn between settled urban life and the life of a warrior on horseback. His village is destroyed and his family killed or taken captive by a Mongol attack on the night of his wedding, leading him to seek revenge. It’s high production value, with some beautiful shots, and alternates being gory and gritty with cheesy moments. It’s really fun and at first glance doesn’t seem that deep – the plot may snake around a bit, but you know how it’s going to go.
But now that I’ve had a chance to learn about the reforms going on in Uzbekistan and ideas of Uzbek identity, there’s more to it. The movie works in a lot of the values that Uzbekistan is looking to see in itself today (I’d argue in the same way an MCU movie does with American values). It reflects a country often caught between greater powers, but with an independent underdog identity. There’s a lot of language about fighting for freedom and liberty. There’s also lot of talk of what is masculinity (especially between fighting, learning, and leading), and while they do rely on the damsel in distress trope, she is a defiant one.
With the recent return of religion to everyday life in Uzbekistan, and the government’s support of moderate Islam as a way to break with the anti-religious past and undermine present problems of extremism, it was interesting to see the subtle placements of the Quran on a stand as a visual shorthand that a character was learned and wise.
五伙伴历险记 The Famous Five-电影演员表
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五伙伴历险记 The Famous Five
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