暴风雨 Tempestad
暴风雨 Tempestad
分类: 纪录片
上映日期: 2016-02-13(柏林电影节)
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暴风雨 Tempestad-电影剧情介绍

  A group of innocent people is charged with human trafficking and thrown into prison. The authorities announce they’ve dealt a blow to organised crime; the public is reassured. “Pagadores” are what the victims of such procedures are called in Mexico. In her second feature documentary, Tatiana Huezo has a young mother recount her journey through hell: innocent, robbed of her libe...

暴风雨 Tempestad-电影演员表

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暴风雨 Tempestad-评论

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  • 本位

    本位 2022-03-12 23:26:33


  • cain

    cain 2021-02-16 18:23:38

    本该是暗流涌动的故事却拍出略沉闷的效果, 既然选择如此主题就不应隔靴搔痒而是一针见血. 马戏团一家相拥而泣的一幕很不错.

  • 鸡头井。

    鸡头井。 2020-12-19 15:13:50


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