镜中自己 آینههای روبرو-电影剧情介绍
两位伊朗女子娜拉(Qazal Shakeri 饰)和阿汀聂(Shayesteh Irani 饰)来自不同的背景和阶层。娜拉缺乏人生经验,是传统的穆斯林妇女。由于丈夫锒铛入狱,她不得不破除禁忌成为的士司机,开车补贴家用。在载客途中,她遇到了富有而反叛的乘客阿汀聂。娜拉无意中发现阿汀聂竟是计划前往德国做变性手术,由女儿变男儿身。无法置信的娜拉对 阿汀聂极度抗拒,然而一段同「车」旅行,却让她的价值观受到前所未有的冲击......
镜中自己 آینههای روبرو-电影演员表
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镜中自己 آینههای روبرو
分类: 同性片电影
两位伊朗女子娜拉(Qazal Shakeri 饰)和阿汀聂(Shayesteh Irani 饰)来自不同的背景和阶层。娜拉缺乏人生经验,是传统的穆斯林妇女。
我自己;你自己 Myself; Yourself
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在善于插科打诨的好友若月修辅(子安武人 配音)的陪伴下,日高找回了昔日的快乐时光,但总有一份不安在心中默默的酝酿。日高知道,一场回忆的狂风暴雨即将袭来。
毕打自己人 畢打自己人
分类: 喜剧片电影
一场意外中,闫汝大的好友余家升(黎耀祥 饰)不幸失忆,王丽薇得知此事,将失忆的余家升收入了麾下,这让她同闫汝大之间的斗争变得更加激烈起来,亦将闫汝大置于了两难的境地之中。 -
她自己 Herself
分类: 剧情片电影
Single-mother Sandra (Clare Dunne) escapes her abusive partner with her two young children, only to find herself trapped in temporary accommodation. After months of struggling, she draws inspiration from one of her daughter’s bedtime stories and hits upon the idea of self-building an affordable home. She finds an architect who provides her with plans and is offered land by Pegg...
吃掉自己 Eat
Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she's in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn't landed a role in three years. To top it all off, she's developed a disturbing habit of eating her own flesh. Novella desperately tries to hide her strange condition from her motherly landlord, Eesha, and somewhat psychopathic best ...