赫洛斯塔图斯 Herostratus
赫洛斯塔图斯 Herostratus
导演: Don Levy
编剧: Don Levy
分类: 剧情
上映日期: 1967
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赫洛斯塔图斯 Herostratus-电影剧情介绍

  Disillusioned poet Max decides to commit suicide, but rather than making it a quiet affair, Max contacts the local media so that, he hopes, his name will live on. On the appointed day, however, Max suddenly has a change of heart, but with an eagerly expectant media in attendance, he finds that he is no longer in control of events.

赫洛斯塔图斯 Herostratus-评论

全部(10) >
  • Hildegard

    Hildegard 2021-08-12 15:06:17

    Allen Ginsberg

  • 食橙者

    食橙者 2021-02-19 13:28:30


  • DJ limbo

    DJ limbo 2020-12-22 03:00:23

    中二的男主 年轻的米伦老奶奶。答应我不要动不动就莫名其妙咆哮好吗?整天一惊一乍的

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