帅气的恶魔 Handsome Devil-电影剧情介绍
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帅气的恶魔 Handsome Devil 电影-相关推荐
帅气的恶魔 Handsome Devil
同情恶魔 Sympathy for the Devil
分类: 惊悚片电影
尼古拉斯·凯奇和乔尔·金纳曼将主演心理惊悚片《同情恶魔》(Sympathy for the Devil),尤瓦尔·阿德勒(《生死狙击》《女特工》)执导,卢克·帕拉迪斯编剧,正在拉斯维加斯拍摄中。
电梯里的恶魔 Devil
负责调查的警探博登(克里斯·梅西纳 Chris Messina 饰)来到现场后发现第一现场并不在货车停靠的位置,而是在不远处的一栋大厦。
恶魔姐姐 Devil Sister แอ๊บร้ายให้นายไม่รัก
分类: 剧情片电影
帅T空姐 Handsome Stewardess
各位旅客,歡迎搭乘由台北飛往新加坡的「帥T空姐」航班,我們即將通過一段「相當不穩定」的氣流,請繫好安全帶,才能確保人生一切all safe!
心中的恶魔 The Devil Inside
1989年的寂静深夜,南哈特福特三名神职人员遭到屠杀。行凶者名叫玛莉娅·罗西(苏珊·克萝蕾 Suzan Crowley 饰),事后被诊断体内藏有七重人格。在此后的岁月里,她被带往意大利驱魔。
尘土恶魔 Dust Devil
分类: 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 西部片电影
分类: 惊悚片电影
Two estranged brothers come together and discover old family secrets after inheriting their grandfather's property. As their friends start to go missing, they fear they are being stalked by a creature lurking in the shadows.
王子学院之帅气牛仔 U-Prince Series : Handsome Cowboy
恶魔的面具 Mask of the Devil
After accepting a job at a low-rent pornographers, a feisty young woman must fight to survive against an ancient evil intent on killing everyone in its path.
恶魔的追杀 Race with the Devil
分类: 动作片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 冒险片电影
Frank and Roger and their wives take off for Colorado in a recreational vehicle, looking forward to some skiing and dirt biking. While camping en route, they witness a Satanic ritual sacrifice, but the local sheriff finds no evidence to support their claims and urges them to continue on their vacation. On the way, however, they find themselves repeatedly attacked by cult member...
量子恶魔 The Quantum Devil
分类: 恐怖片电影
A team of scientists face dangerous consequences after they conduct a clandestine experiment to breach the quantum barrier and travel to another dimension.
羞耻恶魔 Shame the Devil
分类: 犯罪片电影
Jack escapes jail and head to New York city to track down an old flame who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
恶魔游戏 Play the Devil
Set against the backdrop of Trinidad and Tobago's mystical Carnival, a gifted and struggling young man becomes the object of intrigue for an older, well-meaning businessman until their worlds collide.
Evil freedom 2021-02-11 14:35:36