请随意对待 함부로 대해줘-电影剧情介绍
请随意对待 함부로 대해줘 电影-相关推荐
任意依恋 함부로 애틋하게
分类: 爱情片电影
讲述年少时期因为令人伤痛的恶缘而分离的两个男女,在长大后以目中无人的超级甲方topstar和卑躬屈膝又势力的超级乙方纪录片导演再次相遇后刻薄又凄美的爱情故事。 剧中,金宇彬变身俘虏女星芳心的知名歌手,而秀智饰演纪录片的知名制作人,两人儿时结下不解之缘,至长大后再重逢。
意外对对碰 Surprise, Surprise
分类: 剧情片电影
Beginning as a critically-acclaimed play and based on a true story, Surprise Surprise is a moving and unpredictable portrait of a closeted TV star, his much younger disabled lover, and the troubled teenage son he never knew he had. Infused with dark humor and set behind the doors of a secluded home in Malibu, Den Jorgensen's seemingly idyllic life is permanently altered when hi...
随意爱情故事 Historia pewnej miłości
The film was banned in Poland for seven years due to realistic depiction of the life in the suburbs of Lódz as well as portraying in it local authorities, who rush the lead character into unhappy marriage.
Actress Malgorzata Potocka was set to play the role of Halina, but she then left Poland for a while and was eventually replaced by Malgorzata Pritulak. -
L的邀请函 Lの招待状
Lの財産を手に入れるため、協力して謎解きに挑むことになったのだが、謎は手話と日本語を組み合わせた、難問ばかり・・・さあ、あなたは謎を解き、財産を手に入れられるのか!? -
深夜的邀请 真夜中の招待状
款待 歓待
In suburban Tokyo, the Kobayashis – Mikio, his young second wife Natsuki, and his young adolescent daughter Eriko, who was borne out of his first marriage – live in a small flat above the family printing business. Mikio inherited the business and the flat from his father who passed away two years ago. Temporarily living with them is Mikio’s divorced sister Seiko, who is there u...
随时,随地 Anywhere, Anytime
Issa is a young undocumented immigrant, struggling to survive in a large city in Italy. Thanks to a friend who lends him his identity, he starts to work as a rider. The precarious balance collapses when his bike is stolen. As he desperately searches for it, Issa is sucked into a dramatic spiral of events.