甜心大话王 The Importance of Being Earnest-电影剧情介绍
维多利亚时代后期,社会上弥漫着一本正经、虚伪做作的气氛。抱怨生活太沉闷的青年约翰(Colin Firth饰)想出“一人分饰二角”的有趣主意,每次他都告诉周围人自己要去城里探望兄弟厄内斯特,借此离开乡下的府邸;到了城里的交际圈,约翰又给自己取名为厄内斯特。不久,约翰和格林温尔小姐(Frances O'Connor饰)一见钟情,可是却遭到了格林温尔母亲的阻止,理由是约翰身世不明。
心情低落的约翰回到乡下,让他瞠目结舌的是,家里居然在欢迎厄内斯特的到来!原来,这位“厄内斯特”是约翰的朋友阿尔吉(Rupert Everett饰)假扮的,凭着不凡的风度和长期积攒的好印象,阿尔吉居然赢得了约翰的被监护人:少女赛茜丽(Reese Witherspoon饰)的青睐。
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甜心大话王 The Importance of Being Earnest
维多利亚时代后期,社会上弥漫着一本正经、虚伪做作的气氛。 -
不可儿戏 The Importance of Being Earnest
分类: 喜剧片电影
In 1890's England, two friends use the pseudonym, Earnest, for their on-the-down-low activities, add
认真的重要性 The Importance of Being Earnest
分类: 喜剧片电影
《认真的重要性》(又译《不可儿戏》)被认为是最能够代表奥斯卡·王尔德喜剧创作的杰作,充满了王尔德式的妙语连珠;剧中人如同双生子一样的真假身份带来了误会与巧合,最终的假戏真做皆大欢喜,更是在继承莎士比亚喜剧衣钵的基础上 -
The Importance of Being Morrissey
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This was a reasonable documentary that caught up with '80s pop maverick Morrissey, who now lives in the
真心话大冒险 The Moment of Truth
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最近美国FOX电视台在播一个问答游戏节目The Moment of Truth。节目中间,主持人会问参赛者一些问题。在上节目之前,组织者已经安排参赛者戴着测谎仪回答过精心准备的50道题了。
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Soundtrack: Esther Ofarim - The daylight is dawning -
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甜心 Sweethearts
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freshmen pull a "Turkey Dump" and break up with their high school sweethearts over "Drunksgiving" - the
甜心 Sweethearts
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The change of lifestyle is inviting to the Sweethearts as the move will take them away from relatives