火 El incendio-电影剧情介绍
露西亚(Pilar Gamboa 饰)和马塞洛(胡安·巴贝里尼 Juan Barberini 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,这么多年来,他们彼此都非常的相爱,是朋友们眼中的模范伉俪。一转眼,两人都已经来到了而立之年,于是,他们决定拿出辛辛苦苦攒的十万块钱去买一幢房子,作为日后养老的安乐窝。
火 El incendio-电影演员表
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火 El incendio
露西亚(Pilar Gamboa 饰)和马塞洛(胡安·巴贝里尼 Juan Barberini 饰)是一对结婚多年的夫妻,这么多年来,他们彼此都非常的相爱,是朋友们眼中的模范伉俪。一转眼,两人都已经来到了而立之年,于是,他们决定拿出辛辛苦苦攒的十万块钱去买一幢房子,作为日后养老的安乐窝。
谁知道,当他们以为万事俱备只欠东风时,早已经约好的房产经纪人却临时放了他们鸽子,于是,夫妻两人不得不携带着巨款,重新回到老房子里。然而,正是这突如其来多出的二十四小时,让两个人发现了彼此不为人知的另一面,争吵、怀疑、暴戾,忽然之间,他们从亲密无间的夫妻,变为了针锋相对的陌生人。 -
炮火磷磷 Iluminados Por El Fuego
這就是阿根廷導演鮑葉(Tristán Bauer)的電影《烽火烈焰》(Iluminados por el fuego)所要呈現的禁錮的集體創傷與記憶。 -
火药之心 Pólvora en el corazón
分类: 剧情片电影
Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with common stories of abus...
帕欧的火山 La fièvre monte à El Pao
分类: 剧情片电影
In the fictitious island of Ojeda, people lives a dictatorship and the island is a penal colony with ordinary and political prisoners together. When the Governor Mariano Vargas is murdered by a sniper, his idealistic secretary Ramón Vázquez is assigned director of security in charge of the prison. Vázquez is in love with the widow Inés Rojas and they have a love affair. But whe...
死者的圣火 Willkawiwa (El sagrado fuego de los muertos)
分类: 短片电影
El Jockey
It turns on Remo, the best jockey of his generation, whose addictions, however, have gradually cast a shadow over his glory. Like Abril, another jockey, who is torn between having a child or the lure of fame, Remo races for Sirena, a powerful mobster who has saved his life in the past.
Remo, inevitably, has an accident killing a valuable horse and gets lost in the streets of Bu... -
他 El
一次偶然中,弗朗西斯科(阿图罗·德·科尔多瓦 Arturo de Córdova 饰)邂逅了名为格劳莉亚(戴丽亚·加尔塞斯 Delia Garcés 饰)的女子,两人一见钟情。尽管格劳莉亚已经是劳尔(路易斯·贝里斯坦 Luis Beristáin 饰)的未婚妻了,但最终格劳莉亚还是选择了和弗朗西斯科走到了一起。
两人踏上了充满了爱意的蜜月旅程,然而,这段旅程带给他们的却只有无尽的争吵和痛苦。弗朗西斯科有着远远异于常人的控制欲和嫉妒心,这带给格劳莉亚十分巨大的压力。蜜月结束之后,两人回到了西班牙,他们之间的关系因为弗朗西斯科的神经质而进一步恶化,格劳莉亚过着几乎被囚禁的生活。 -
El Gigante
在试图穿越美墨边境寻找更好的生活后,阿曼多在一个陌生的房间里醒来,他的身体已经破碎,脖子上缝着一个Lucha Libre面具。他试图逃跑,但被一个虐待狂家庭包围,他们用饥饿的眼睛看着他。唯一的机会,阿曼多的生存在这个地狱般的噩梦是在摔跤比赛中持续与最可怕的恶棍:巨兽!
El sghayra
The Algerian desert extends in all directions as far as the eye can see. Many years after the French conducted nuclear weapons testing here, few inhabitants remain in the fading oasis. Amidst the dunes, a gleeful girl plays with pieces of junk, watches Chaplin’s silent films and jokes around with the blind residents. She is the community’s only child. On the surface, there’s no...
El elegido
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El Santero
el favor
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Mora and Roberta, an Argentinean lesbian couple, are desperate to have a child. With no scruples and hesitation they work out a plan; Roberta will seduce and have sex with Felipe, Mora's brother. Felipe is a hermit who lives in Patagonia earning his living artificially inseminating turkeys. Sure enough, things won't go smoothly. Felipe isn’t easily seduced, and when an unexpect...
龙虎走天涯 El kárate, el Colt y el impostor
Takota在西部抢劫时,杀死一个富有的中国人王。其后,他被捕宣判,而快要被绞死,其实,他没有在王身上得到任何好处。他把尸体,4位情妇的照片,以及一些没用的文件一起埋藏。同时,精通功夫的王鹤江为寻找他叔叔的宝藏而来到美国,必须把Takota救出来,因为只有他才知道老王的坟墓。…他们打开坟墓,拿出寡妇的照片。从文件中,他们得悉老王把宝藏的地图分别刺在四位女子的臀部上... 寻财游戏开始了。。。。