全部(0) >东都夜不眠 电影-相关推荐
不眠夜 Nuit blanche
A drug heist goes wrong, as one of the drug carriers escapes after stabbing the robbers, gets a glimpse of their faces. The two masked men are actually two police officers, who decided to plan the heist. Vincent, a lieutenant who now has a bad stab wound, ends up with a huge bag of coke. The bag of coke belongs to a powerful mob boss/nightclub owner named Jose, who kidnaps Vinc...
不眠之夜 Nuit blanche
分类: 短片电影
The acousmatic situation consists of placing the speaker behind a curtain in order to only perceive his voice without being distracted by his image. Jean-Claude Rousseau, like Doctor Mabuse, might have placed a pianist behind the tapestry. When his silhouette fills the lens and he lets out some words, is he addressing the perceived animal or, by remaining behind the screen, wou...
不眠之夜 Nuit Blanche
来自Spy Films工作室的导演Arev Manoukian,拍摄的短片《白夜》(Nuit Blanche),聚焦于男女之间擦出火花的瞬间,什么也阻挡不了他们之间的爱情。
所有的不眠之夜 Wszystkie nieprzespane noce
公主彻夜未眠 公主徹夜未眠
分类: 喜剧片电影
超市夜未眠 Cashback
艺术学院学生本(肖恩•比格斯代夫 Sean Biggerstaff 饰 )在被女友苏芝甩了之后,夜夜无法入睡。在经历了两周的不眠之夜后,本决定到超市去上夜班以打发这额外的8小时。
不眠之夜 잠 못 드는 밤
分类: 剧情片电影
珠熙(金周玲 饰)是一名瑜伽教练,和丈夫贤珠(金洙宪 饰)结婚一转眼已经两年了,但他们的感情还是如同刚刚结婚那会儿一样恩爱和甜蜜,两人都感到庆幸,他们是彼此命中注定的那个人。
鱼不眠 Fish Never Sleep
直子(Caroline Bresard 音)是一个在寿司店工作的女招待,连续两周她饱受失眠的困扰,各种治疗失眠的方法都没有效果。她就像永远不会合眼的鱼儿一样,白天黑夜,备受折磨。