木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive
木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive
分类: 纪录片
上映日期: 2015-04-19(加拿大)
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木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive-电影剧情介绍

  Mummies Alive, a new historical documentary series, is coming to the Smithsonian channel. Broadway World is reporting that Mummies Alive will premiere tonight. The TV series was originally released on April 19 in Canada. It is produced by Saloon Media and Impossible Factual, in association with Shaw Media. Directed by Mick Grogan and narrated by Jason Priestly, the six-one hour...

木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive-电影演员表

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木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive-评论

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  • 禁止生气

    禁止生气 2022-09-23 10:34:49


  • 亲猫狂魔

    亲猫狂魔 2021-07-17 13:52:10

    创意很棒,但剪辑太烂 镜头突然给mummie大近景是指望吓唬谁呢🙄 反复播放同样的假想画面烦不烦啊🙄 老老实实做纪录片不好吗?不要总想着搞恐怖片和惊悚悬疑片好不好🙄

  • 我累特

    我累特 2021-06-18 10:35:29


木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive 电影-相关推荐

  • 木乃伊复活 Mummies Alive

    分类: 纪录片

      Mummies Alive, a new historical documentary series, is coming to the Smithsonian channel.

  • 木乃伊战士 Mummies Alive!

    分类: 动作, 动画, 悬疑, 惊悚, 冒险


  • 木乃伊 Mummies

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      The film follows the fun adventures of three ancient Egyptian mummies who live in an underground secret

  • 七木乃伊 Seven Mummies

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  • 追踪木乃伊 Chasing Mummies

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  • 木乃伊之恋 木乃伊の恋

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  • 木乃伊世界 Discovery: Unwrapped The Mysterious World of Mummies



  • 木乃伊 The Mummy

    分类: 剧情, 恐怖, 奇幻

      故事发生在1921年的埃及,一支探险队在法老的坟墓里发现了因霍特(波利斯·卡洛夫 Boris Karloff 饰)的。因霍特曾经是一名王子,因为受到了法老的诅咒而遭遇了陪葬的悲惨命运。

  • 木乃伊 The Mummy

    分类: 剧情, 动作, 奇幻, 冒险

      图书管理员芙琳(Rachel Weisz 瑞切尔·薇茨饰)偶然得到一张哈姆纳塔的地图,大为兴奋的她决定和哥哥一起去那儿考古,他们找到曾经的幸存者欧康诺(Brendan Fraser 布兰登

  • 木乃伊 The Mummy

    分类: 恐怖

      In the 1890s a team of British archaeologists discover the untouched tomb of Princess Ananka but accidentally bring the mummified body of her High Priest back to life. Three years later back in England a follower of the same Egyptian religion unleashes the mummy to exact grisly revenge on the despoilers of the sacred past. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}

  • 处女木乃伊的进攻 Attack Of The Virgin Mummies

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  • 木乃伊之夜 المومياء

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    the ancient Horbat tribe were secretly raiding Deir al-Bahari, the site of a legendary cache of royal mummies

  • 新木乃伊 The Mummy

    分类: 动作, 奇幻, 冒险

      埃及公主阿玛内特(索菲亚·宝特拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)和死神赛特签订了契约想要成为一统埃及的女王,哪知道计划失败,最终,阿玛内特被制作成为了,含恨而终。
