苍蝇 Fly-电影剧情介绍
苍蝇 Fly-电影演员表
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苍蝇 The Fly
An uptight getaway driver waiting outside a bank robbery has three nerve shredding minutes to get through before his crew returns. All he has to do is focus
钓鱼人与苍蝇 The Fisherman and Fly
苍蝇一分钟的生命 One Minute Fly
这是一只心情愉悦的苍蝇,但是它的快乐和 新鲜感并未 持续太久,因为头顶上的计数器分明显示它只有一分钟的生命。一分钟?如此之短,该如何度过?
变蝇人 The Fly
这部由二十世纪福克斯公司于1958年推出的低成本科幻片《苍蝇》,可谓史上经典“变蝇人”的开山鼻祖。 -
变蝇人 The Fly
不幸的是,一只苍蝇这时也飞进了传送仓,于是,在机器将分解 后的塞斯的分子再合成时,将苍蝇的分子也合成到了塞斯的体内。塞斯成了拥有一半苍蝇基因的蝇人。
苍蝇一分钟的生命:飞向月球 One Minute Fly - Fly To The Moon
蜘蛛和苍蝇 The Spider and the Fly
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
变蝇人2 The Fly II
zing 2023-11-26 17:03:18