维多利亚瀑布事件 Incident at Victoria Falls
维多利亚瀑布事件 Incident at Victoria Falls
上映日期: 1992-05-24
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维多利亚瀑布事件 Incident at Victoria Falls-电影剧情介绍

  Incident at Victoria Falls was the second and final film in the proposed series of television films Sherlock Holmes the Golden Years. It starred Christopher Lee and Patrick Macnee as Holmes and Watson in old age. In the film, Holmes is about to retire to Sussex and keep bees when the king sends him on a mission to South Africa to retrieve the Star of Africa diamond. Complicatio...

维多利亚瀑布事件 Incident at Victoria Falls-电影演员表

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维多利亚瀑布事件 Incident at Victoria Falls-评论

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  • James Sheppard

    James Sheppard 2021-09-20 16:04:08

    若干年前看过删节版,如今二位主演均已过世。片中出现了Gugliamo Marconi等名人,S.I. Bullard正是ACD妹夫EWH笔下的Amateur Cracksman, A.J. Raffles.

  • Scheppard

    Scheppard 2019-10-27 12:23:14


  • AndreaYu21

    AndreaYu21 2018-12-29 06:20:31


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