强盗 Eskiya
强盗 Eskiya
上映日期: 1996-11-29
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强盗 Eskiya-电影剧情介绍

  The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. Still, Baran can't help but be shocked to discover that his home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam. He then heads for Istanbul to get revenge upon his former best friend, the m...

强盗 Eskiya-评论

全部(28) >
  • 巴士底的猫

    巴士底的猫 2021-07-05 19:25:35


  • lixunhuan

    lixunhuan 2021-04-25 04:52:38

    土鸡国山寨土炮版《英雄本色》,关键这都九十年代末了还只能在80年代港产片后面食尘那就很尴尬了。话说土鸡就没有好点的电影吗就至于把这部烂片投上imdb 250公开处刑?

  • 阅片无数

    阅片无数 2021-03-11 19:19:52

    老当益壮啊,我的爷! 爱情和生命,哪个更重要!

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