
  • 类型:动作片电影, 犯罪片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:蒋硕龙   编剧:陆志刚

    主演:方中信, 吴家丽, 西协美智子, 汪永芳

    二叔从泰国请来头师毒害丽, 他们便找来教主玛利亚求助, 于是教主与头师展开激烈斗法......

  • 类型:悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:黑泽清   编剧:大石哲也, 黑泽清

    主演:户田昌宏, 山本竜二, 柏谷みちすけ, 堀口一也, 若林めぐみ, 佐藤コージ, 役所广司, 风吹淳, 草彅刚, 石田光, 古关安广, 岸部一德, 大杉涟, 哀川翔, 磯部詩織, 井上肇, 清水大敬

      闹市的一户普通民宅,佐藤夫妇居住于此。丈夫克彦(役所広司 饰)是一名尽职和善的电视台音效师,全职太太纯子(風吹ジュン 饰)则精心打理家中的一切。平凡的外表下,纯子有着一项迥异于常人的能力,她可以同另一个世界的众生取得联系,甚至看到他们的身影。但是在这个所谓科学的现代化社会,心灵沟通似乎永远无法得到举世的承认。虽然偶尔有人登门求助,不过纯子还是希望能造福更多的人。与此同时,一名小女孩被人拐骗,女孩阴差阳错藏进克彦的工作箱,来到佐藤夫妇家。面对这一意外事件,纯子请求丈夫暂时将女孩留在家中,让她有机会用“超能力”帮助警方找到女孩,谁知这一过程中女孩竟意外死亡。

  • 音 White Noise


    导演:Antoine d'Agata   编剧:


      The acclaimed work of photographer Antoine d’Agata has mostly been a journey into the heart of darkness, dealing with random and nightly encounters, sex and prostitution. So it's no surprise that the monumental White Noise leads again to the underworld of sex workers, from Cambodia to Norway, from Ukraine to USA. Built around more than 20 monologues, this films delivers trance-...

  • 音 White Noise

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:诺亚·鲍姆巴赫   编剧:诺亚·鲍姆巴赫, 唐·德里罗

    主演:艾丽卡·斯维尼, 弗朗西斯·觉, 本杰明·希勒, Bob Gray, 理查德·杜恩, 阿尔菲厄斯·格林, Danny Wolohan, Quincy Tyler Bernstine, Laura Wimbels, 亚当·德赖弗, 格蕾塔·葛韦格, 唐·钱德尔, 拉菲·卡西迪, 朱迪·特纳-史密斯, 拉斯·艾丁格, 戈登·格里克, 安德雷·本杰明, 洛根·弗莱, 马修·希尔, Thomas W Wolf, 迈克·加萨威


  • 音 Blaues Rauschen


    导演:Simon Maria Kubiena   编剧:Simon Maria Kubiena, Małgorzata Zglińska

    主演:Marvin Nando Nenning, Lou von Gündell, 海纳·塞林, 马蒂亚斯·埃尔曼, Alexander Srtschin, Dorothea Förster, Vincenzo Bonelli

      A closely observant film about bodies and touching, proximity and distance and the power of attraction. The aloof Alex works in a training workshop for craftsman where he avoids the attempts of his girlfriend to get close to him physically. At the same time, he’s not at all certain about how to deal with other forces of attraction confronting him . In the small spa...

  • 美丽音 Beautiful Noise

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Eric Green   编剧:Eric Green

    主演:Jim Reid, Kevin Shields, 罗宾·格思里, Brad Laner, Ulrich Schnauss, Debbie Googe, Simon Raymonde, 比利·考根, Emma Anderson, Robert Smith, Mark Gardener, Neil Halstead

      BEAUTIFUL NOISE is an in-depth exploration of a music movement in the late twentieth century, a fascinating period when some innovative musicians mixed guitar noise into conventional pop song structures while maintaining a philosophy of letting the music speak for itself. Although many of the people interviewed are notoriously press shy they have opened up about their music and...

  • 音女士 ミセス・ノイズィ

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:天野千寻   编剧:

    主演:筱原友希子, 大高洋子, 長尾卓磨


  • 嘈杂音 Ruido


    导演:娜妲莉雅·贝莉丝坦   编剧:娜妲莉雅·贝莉丝坦, Diego Enrique Osorno, Alo Valenzuela

    主演:胡列塔·埃格罗尔拉, 特蕾莎·鲁伊斯, Erick Israel Consuelo, Arturo Beristáin, Alphonso Escobedo, Mariana Giménez, Priscela Izquierdo, Mauricio Calderon Mora, Adrian Vazquez

      Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave through the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.

  • 类型:恐怖片电影

    导演:邱礼涛   编剧:邱礼涛, 林震宇

    主演:郑浩南, 邵美琪, 黄德斌, 许绍雄, 林雪, 刘锦玲, 古宇, 滕子萱

    腹背受敌的乐民与资深警探琛哥(林雪 饰)共同办案,经验丰富的琛哥怀疑一切是乐民在泰国欠下的桃花债种下的恶果,导致妻儿被人下了“头”,乐民将信将疑之下,听琛哥指引找法师做法解决,不曾想这让他的困境和林超案又有了关联

  • 外界音 Outside Noise


    导演:泰德·芬特   编剧:泰德·芬特, Mia Sellmann, Daniela Zahlner

    主演:Daniela Zahlner, Mia Sellmann, Natascha Manthe, Genevieve Havemeyer-King, Hani Alaraj, Manu Bäuerle, Katharina Maria Grabner, 泰德·芬特, Stefanie Zingl

      Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, another friend thinking of moving to Vienna, they wander around and talk. An insomniac’s hang-out film.