
  • 撒弥:寻找幸福 Samichay, en busca de la felicidad


    导演:Mauricio Franco   编剧:



  • 鲁尔工风流记3 Laß jucken, Kumpel 3: Maloche, Bier und Bett


    导演:Franz Marischka   编剧:


      鲁尔工电影系列第3部。根据德国拳击手、工、警察和作家汉斯-亨宁·克莱尔的区硬汉系列小说之一的《让我痒,伙计!Laß jucken, Kumpel!》改编的性喜剧电影。

  • 一个工的一天 A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿尔弗雷德·柯林斯   编剧:


      A miner leaves his cottage in the morning, his family waving goodbye. The pit head; locking the lamps. The miners enter a lift and descend to the pits. At the coalface, miners hack at the coal with pickaxes, while other men and boys load the coal into trolleys. The coal is hoisted to the pit's mouth, where men, women and boys commence unloading. The waste is hoisted to the pit'...

  • 唐尼蒂 歌剧《爱之甘醇》 Donizetti - L' Elisir d'amore


    导演:Brian Large   编剧:

    主演:Luciano Pavarotti, Enzo Dara, Kathleen Battle

  • 比才《珠人》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" Bizet: Les Pecheurs de Perles


    导演:马修·戴蒙德   编剧:

    主演:Diana Damrau, Matthew Polenzani, Mariusz Kwiecien, Nicolas Testé

      该剧发生在古代锡兰海岸(今斯里兰卡),讲述了爱情与友谊的故事。纳迪尔和祖尔加是一对好朋友,他们发誓绝不让爱情破坏兄弟情谊。此时,一个神秘的女祭司来到锡兰。祖尔加爱上了她,但纳迪尔发现她正是长期失散的爱人莱伊娜。纳迪尔倍受煎熬,要在毕生所爱和友谊誓言之间做出抉择。纳迪尔和 莱伊娜屈服被抓,祖尔加妒火中烧,想借机处死二人。在最后时刻,祖尔加幡然悔悟,烧毁村庄,牺牲自己放走了纳迪尔和莱伊娜。
      Bizet’s Les Pêcheurs de perles, set in Sri Lanka, is known above all for its unforgettable duet for tenor and baritone, but it its score is full of delightful and dramatic music. ...

  • 零日漏洞:网络空间的金 Zero days - Security Leaks for Sale


    导演:Hans Busstra   编剧:


      新的淘金热已经在互联网上出现,甚至已然与大家自己的计算机息息相关。作为未被数字化保护机 制锁定的通道,秘密后门的数量已经超出我们的控制能力。幸运的是在没有规则加以约束的网络世界当中,“白帽”黑客挺身而出保护着我们的安全。而他们的天敌 “黑帽”黑客则对网络中的不安全因素充 满兴趣,并乐于将自己发现的安全漏洞卖给出价最高的买家——大多是安全服务与网络防御供应商。那么这些黑袍与白袍巫 师究竟是何许人也?0-day漏洞这一圣杯最终又会被谁为取得?

  • 场内的安全及卫生守则 Podstawy BHP w kopalni miedzi

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基   编剧:


      The Principles of Safety and Hygiene in a Copper Mine / Podstawy BHP w kopalni miedzi (19:39)
      Commissioned instructional documentary film about the conditions of safety and hygiene of work in the Lubin Copper Mine. The artist brought his craftsmanship to bear even in this kind of occasional bread-and-butter work. This was also a useful occasion for sharpening a documentary make...

  • 唐尼蒂《爱之甘醇》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" Donizetti: L'Elisir d'Amore


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Ildebrando D'Arcangelo, Davide Luciano, Matthew Polenzani, Pretty Yende

  • 完成了552%产量指标的工 Opowiesc o czlowieku, który wykonal 552% normy

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:沃杰西奇·维斯尼维斯基   编剧:沃杰西奇·维斯尼维斯基

    主演:Bernard Bugdol

      The film inspired Andrzej Wajda to make his acclaimed movie 'Czlowiek z marmuru (1977)'.
      Before shooting began Wojciech Wiszniewski went to Silesia in order to ask 'Kazimierz Kutz' if it was possible to make a true movie about Silesia without knowing it at all. Kutz answered it was not. But eventually it did not stop Wiszniewski from making the film, which later Kutz found surp...

  • 唐尼蒂《安娜·博莱娜》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" Donizetti's Anna Bolena

    类型:音乐片电影, 舞台艺术片电影

    导演:Gary Halvorson   编剧:

    主演:Anna Netrebko, Ildar Abdrazakov, Ekaterina Gubanova, Stephen Costello, Tamara Mumford