
  • 野马 Chasing Bullitt


    导演:Joe Eddy   编剧:Joe Eddy

    主演:Augie Duke, Jan Broberg, Chantz Simpson

      好莱坞一代人物寻难以捉摸的GT 390

  • 疯狂的者 Paparazzi


    导演:阿兰·贝阿贝汉 Alain Berberian   编剧:Alain Berbérian

    主演:Patrick Timsit, 凯瑟琳·弗洛 Catherine Frot, 纳塔莉·贝伊 Nathalie Baye

  • 龙卷风 Chasing Monsters


    导演:Krystle Wright   编剧:

    主演:Nick Moir


  • 悲惨的 Caccia tragica

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:朱塞佩·德桑蒂斯   编剧:卡洛·利扎尼, 科拉多·阿尔瓦罗, 詹尼·普奇尼

    主演:薇薇·吉奥伊, 安德烈·切齐, 卡拉·德尔波娇, 维托里奥·度瑟, 马西莫·吉洛蒂

  • 荣耀 Quest for Honor


    导演:Mary Ann Smothers Bruni   编剧:

    主演:Lawen Azad, Runak Faraj, Hemin Kakaiy, Kalthoum

  • 蝴蝶 La chasse aux papillons


    导演:奥塔·埃索里亚尼   编剧:奥塔·埃索里亚尼

    主演:Narda Blanchet, Pierette Pompom Bailhache, Aleksandr Cherkasov


  • 着光芒 光をいかけて

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:成田洋一   编剧:成田洋一, 作道雄

    主演:中川翼, 长泽树, 生驹里奈, 柳叶敏郎, 中岛塞娜, 骏河太郎, 小野塚勇人

      A stunningly beautiful coming-of-age story set in a village in the Japanese countryside, where a crop circle appears one day.

  • 鸟的人 Человек уходит за птицами


    导演:阿里·哈姆拉耶夫   编剧:

    主演:Dzhanik Faiziyev, Dilorom Kambarova

      In a film that’s been compared with the work of Paradjanov for its colorful, mystical, and myth-based story, Khamraev fashions a fragmented, dreamlike coming-of-age tale. Medieval Uzbekistan is the setting for an odyssey that launches an orphaned boy into a harsh world, where first love is brutally trumped by aristocratic privilege, friendship is fragile and fleeting, and viole...

  • 快乐 ...And the Pursuit of Happiness


    导演:路易·马勒   编剧:

    主演:Franklin Chang-Diaz, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Lenwood Johnson, Boris Lyoskin, 路易·马勒, Anastasio Samosa Portocarrero, 德里克·沃尔科特

      In 1986, Louis Malle, himself a transplant to the United States, set out to investigate the ever-widening range of immigrant experience in America. Interviewing a variety of newcomers (from teachers to astronauts to doctors) in middle- and working-class communities from coast to coast, Malle paints a generous, humane portrait of their individual struggles in an increasingly pol...

  • 恶魔女者 Para Betina Pengikut Iblis


    导演:Rako Prijanto   编剧:Anggoro Saronto, Rako Prijanto

    主演:Adipati Dolken, Mawar Eva de Jongh, Hanggini

      Three women in a small village conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant.