
  • 休战的伤 The Truce Hurts

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:约瑟夫·巴伯拉, 威廉·汉纳   编剧:

    主演:威廉·汉纳, 比利·布莱彻


  • 者/嫌疑人 Victim/Suspect


    导演:Nancy Schwartzman   编剧:


      In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.
      Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...

  • 症·心魔 OCD: A Monster in My Mind


    导演:Peter Leonard   编剧:Steve Crabtree

    主演:Uta Frith

      Most of us think that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is just over fussy tidying. But it's actually much more serious. Sophie has to check that she hasn't killed people, looking for dead bodies wherever she goes, Richard is terrified of touching the bin, and Nanda is about to have pioneering brain surgery to stop her worrying about components on her body - that her eyebrow ...

  • 症患者的血腥臆想 Dix


    导演:Jules Janaud, Fabrice Le Nezet, François Roisin   编剧:Jules Janaud, Fabrice Le Nezet, François Roisin

    主演:Alain Choquet, Ian Faure, Lucien Momy

    他是一名强症患者,每当外出时他总会不由自主去数人行道上的地砖,从一数到十,到第十步时,马克便会陷入万劫不复的恐怖臆想之中。那一刻,整个世界变成了巨大的绞 肉机,冰冷无情地将他撕成碎片。

  • 致我的加者 드라마 스페셜 - 나의 가해자에게


    导演:卢秀智   编剧:姜翰

    主演:金大健, 文柔强, 禹多菲, 李妍, 韩相镇, 金在华, 柳泰浩, 오일영


  • !这烂泥一样的人生 БЕЛОСНЕЖЬЕ

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ira Elshansky   编剧:Ira Elshansky


      一个灰色的橡皮泥人发现自己在一个发光的白色房间里。 洁白的地板上留下他踩的污迹,但他试图让房间保持原样,直到有一天房间边界发生了变化。

  • 8 号受者 La victima numero 8

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Alejandro Bazzano, Menna Fite   编剧:David Bermejo, Sara Antuña, Abraham Sastre, Esther Morales, Marc Cistaré

    主演:César Mateo, María de Nati, Verónika Moral, Marcial Álvarez

      An attack of a yihadist nature in the Old Town of Bilbao ends up with the lives of seven people and leaves malwounds to more than one thirteenth, many of them gravity. Victims and executioners will be equal parts of the protagonists of a plot in a personal key. narrated by thriller, history treats how these characters live the consequences of barbarism. Police investigation wil...

  • 老妈 Throw Momma from the Train

    类型:喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:丹尼·德维托   编剧:Stu Silver

    主演:Billy Crystal, Danny DeVito, Kim Greist

      Novelist Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) struggles with writer's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret (Kate Mulgrew), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) is a timid, middle-aged man who still lives with his overbearing, abusive mother (Anne Ramsey). Owen fantasizes of killing his mother but c...

  • 举手之劳地球 Let's Pollute

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:吉弗威·伯德   编剧:吉弗威·伯德

    主演:Jim Thornton


  • 奇迹降哈德逊河 Miracle Landing on the Hudson


    导演:Simon George   编剧:Simon George

    主演:Kate Steavenson-Payne, Sara Stewart