
  • 电影系列:新中国影视作品中的性 Moving Pictures: Sex in the New Chinese Cinema

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:陈凯歌, 姜文, 吕丽萍

      Note the date, much will have changed since this programme. Another interesting piece from the much missed Moving Pictures, this one looks at the emergence of sexual themes in the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers.
      The programme interviews directors Chen Kaige, and Wen Jiang,amongst others, critic Shao Mujin, actress Lu Liping, and features clips from numerous films includ...

  • 凤凰大野 炼狱之战——老山战纪实


    导演:凤凰卫   编剧:


  • 梦龙:夜特辑 Imagine Dragons: The Making Of Night Visions


    导演:Isaac Halasima   编剧:Imagine Dragons

    主演:Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman

      Imagine Dragons: The Making of 'Night Visions', follows one of the world's most exciting new alternative rock bands band during the process of writing and recording their debut album at the Palms Studio in their hometown of Las Vegas. In this documentary you also get a quick history of the band, how they formed, and how Alex Da Kid, a hip-hop producer, could get the much sought...

  • 职业人的风 影配乐曲家佐藤直纪 プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀 曲家・佐藤直紀


    导演:   编剧:


      那些我们耳熟能详的电剧《Good Luck》《水男孩》《曼哈顿爱情故事》《Orange Days》《龙马传》《精靈守護者》

  • 类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:刘书亮   编剧:刘书亮, 陈曦



  • 界 Visions


    导演:雅恩·戈斯兰   编剧:雅恩·戈斯兰, Michel Fessler, Aurélie Valat, Jean-Baptiste Delafon, 奥黛丽·迪万

    主演:黛安·克鲁格, 马修·卡索维茨, 玛尔塔·涅托

      The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airpor...

  • نگاه

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Farnoosh Samadi   编剧:阿里·阿斯加里, Farnoosh Samadi

    主演:Pedram Ansari, 巴巴克·卡里米

      On her way back from work a woman witnesses something happening in the bus and she has to decide if she reveals it or not.

  • Blindsight


    导演:Danil Krivoruchko   编剧:Viktoriya Yakubova


      Blindsight is a short film created by a collaborative group of designers and artists, and directed by Danil Krivoruchko. The film is based on the eponymous sci-fi novel by Peter Watts.

  • Paupahan


    导演:Louie Ignacio   编剧:

    主演:Tiffany Grey, Jiad Arroyo, Rob Guinto, Aica Veloso, Odette Khan, Ada Hermosa


  • Surveillance

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:詹妮弗·林奇   编剧:Kent Harper, 詹妮弗·林奇

    主演:比尔·普尔曼, 朱莉娅·奥蒙德, 休·狄伦

      FBI探员赫维斯(Bill Pullman 饰)与伊丽莎白(Julia Ormond 饰)抵达某小镇警局调查一桩公路命案。赫维斯将三名幸存者:吸毒少女鲍比,警员杰克,以及女孩斯蒂芬妮分开问询,还原了事情经过……杰克与搭档在公路上执勤时经常击爆路人轮胎,然后勒索或是非礼对方。进行旅行度假的斯蒂芬妮一家与夹带大量毒品的鲍比和男友同时被杰克拦下,两名恶警羞辱这些无辜过客之后,按照斯蒂芬妮提供的情况搜寻一辆白色可疑货车。警察离开不久,货车与鲍比的轿车相撞,车上的蒙面人大开杀戒后扬长而去……案情厘清之际,斯蒂芬妮意外发现真正的凶手就在自己周围。
      本片获2008年加泰罗尼亚电影节最佳影片奖,纽约恐怖电影节最佳导演、最佳女主角奖。导演珍妮佛·林奇(Jennifer Chambers Lynch)是大卫·林奇之女。