
  • 西和塞茜 Nárcisz és Psyché


    导演:伽柏·博迪   编剧:伽柏·博迪, 威廉·乔普拉尔

    主演:亚诺什·德尔日, 米克洛什·埃尔代伊, 尚多尔·埃尔代伊, 安德拉·费克特, 帕德里西亚·阿德里亚尼, 乌多·基尔, 乔治·切豪尔米, Agnes Horvath, 伊娃·托特, 丹尼·乌伊洛基,

      Narcisus and Psyche is based on a novel by Sandor Weores which was adapted by Vilmos Csaplar and director Gabor Body for a feature-length film. Borrowing the character of Psyche from mythology and placing her in Europe in the 19th century, the authors give her a "modern" life. She is an attractive young woman - and remains so throughout the film, in spite of one hardship after ...

  • 弗朗西科的威尼之旅 Francesco's Venice


    导演:爱德华·巴瑟杰特   编剧:

    主演:Francesco da Mosto


  • 尤利西归来 Nostos: Il ritorno


    导演:弗兰科·皮亚维奥利   编剧:弗兰科·皮亚维奥利

    主演:Bruno Minniti, Alex Carozzo, Giuseppe Marcoli, Paola Agosti, Mirella Fabbri, Branca de Camargo

      At the end of the war, Nostos, the wandering hero, with his companions begins his sail back home to the Mediterranean. The conclusion of his adventure is delayed by many natural obstacles and he takes an internal journey of fleeting memories of his childhood, his parents, love for a beautiful girl, nostalgia for the past, regret for what he did, and the deep silence that envelo...

  • 尤利西 ユリシス The Story of Cairns


    导演:丹羽贵之   编剧:


      稚气未脱的22岁大学4年级学生サライ和満,两人趁着学生生活最后的夏休时间旅行来到了澳大利亚。精力过剩的两人,本来是想找点乐子,但是这里的情况却和他们想象的有些不一样。刚下飞机他们就在机场看到了一个美丽的女人——千景的背影从他们面前飘过。サライ上前搭腔,没想到很顺利的和千景聊了起来,サライ为这个意外的收获而暗自窃喜。 聊天过程中,他们了解到千景来澳大利亚的目的是为了找到传说中蓝蝶,两个年轻人被千景执着的精神所打动,于是三人一起开始了寻找蓝蝶之旅…… 本片是人气与实力都很出色的年轻导演丹羽贵幸,和著名摄影家高间闲治倾力合作的新作品。

  • 西·里夫一起寻茶 The Tea Trail with Simon Reeve


    导演:Adam Warner   编剧:

    主演:Simon Reeve

      Adventurer and journalist Simon Reeve heads to east Africa to uncover the stories behind the nation's favourite drink. While we drink millions of cups of the stuff each day, how many of us know where our tea actually comes from? The surprising answer is that most of the leaves that go into our everyday teabags do not come from India or China but are bought from an auction in th...

  • 阿布纳·梅西 Abuna Messias

    类型:历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Goffredo Alessandrini   编剧:Callisto V. Vanzin, Cesare Ludovici, Domenico Meccoli

    主演:Camillo Pilotto, Enrico Glori, Mario Ferrari, Amedeo Trilli, Berchè Zaitù Taclè, Corrado Racca, Ippolito Silvestri, Francesco Sala, Roberto Pasetti, Enzo Turco


  • 弗兰西卡 안녕, 프란체스카


    导演:卢道哲, 조희진   编剧:김현희, 한설희, 金基浩, 신호민, 고남정, 송지은

    主演:沈惠珍, 李斗日, 이켠, 박슬기, 신해철, 金秀美, 이인성

      弗兰西卡 - 沉惠真 拒绝过去,无法显现现时情感状态的冰冷吸血鬼,正统贵族世家出身。优雅高贵的她为何咬斗一,全家人都感到惊诧不已。万不得已地与斗一行使夫妻关系,对...

  • 弗朗西·弗格森 Frances Ferguson


    导演:鲍勃·拜因顿   编剧:鲍勃·拜因顿, Kaley Wheless, Scott King

    主演:Kaley Wheless, 尼克·奥弗曼, 马丁·塔尔


  • 帕特里·埃默里·卢巴 Patrice Emery Lumumba

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Tshoper Kabambi   编剧:Tshoper Kabambi


  • 詹姆与露西亚 James and Lucia


    导演:罗伯特·穆兰   编剧:罗伯特·穆兰

    主演:艾丹·吉伦, 迈克尔·刚本, 乔纳森·莱·梅耶

      “小指头”艾丹·吉伦将在[詹姆与露西亚](James And Lucia,暂译)中饰演爱尔兰文学巨擘詹姆·乔伊