
  • 西方文明的衰落3 The Decline of Western Civilization Part III

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:佩内洛普·斯皮瑞斯   编剧:

    主演:Stephen Chambers, 弗利, Gary Fredo, William A. Kirkley, Ron Martinez, Michael Orr, Keith Morris, Angela Torrez Parker

      The third (and seemingly final) installment in Penelope Spheeris' Los Angeles music trilogy, THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION III follows not the punk acts of Los Angeles from 1996-1997 but their homeless teenaged fans. Musician interviews in this DECLINE are fewer but include interesting musings from Keith Morris from the Circle Jerks and Flea (credited as the "ex-bass play...

  • 西方文明的衰落 The Decline of Western Civilization

    类型:纪录片, 音乐, 历史

    导演:Penelope Spheeris   编剧:


      Unavailable on home video for many years (except perhaps as a grainy, nth-generation VHS bootleg), Penelope Spheeris' seminal document of the young 1979-1980 Los Angeles punk scene includes chaotic live performances by now-legendary groups like Black Flag (with short-lived lead singer Ron "Chavo Pederast" Reyes), X (giving themselves stick-and-poke tattoos) and the Germs (whose...

  • 衰落与瓦解 Decline And Fall


    导演:吉列尔莫·莫拉莱斯   编剧:詹姆斯·伍德, 伊夫林·沃

    主演:马修·比尔德, 斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆, 道格拉斯·霍奇斯, 奥斯卡·肯尼迪, 伊娃·朗格利亚, 大卫·苏切, 杰克·怀特霍尔, 雨果· 比兹利, 维森特·富兰克林, 托尼·吉尔福伊尔

      1920年代的威尔士,男主Paul Pennyfeather( Jack Whitehall饰演)因放荡不羁的生活被牛津大学开除,在一家男子私学找到工作,在那里他遇见女主Margot Beste-Chetwynde(Eva Longoria饰演)。女主来自南美的白富美,成为男主的追逐对象。该剧为3集,由英剧《烦恼的牧师》(Rev.)编剧James Wood负责改编,电影《茱莉亚的眼睛》和英剧《9号秘事》导演Guillem Morales执导。

  • 地狱之地:叙利亚的衰落与ISIS的崛起 Hell on Earth: the Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS


    导演:塞巴斯蒂安·荣格尔, Nick Quested   编剧:马克·蒙雷

    主演:Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, Amr Al-Azm, 阿布·巴克尔·巴格达迪

      A look at the current state of Syria amidst war and chaos in 2017, featuring stories of survival and observations by political experts from around the world.

  • 奥斯曼帝国的衰落 Osmanlı'da Derin Devlet

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 历史, 犯罪

    导演:Kumral Pakel   编剧:Nakkaş Yazım Grubu

    主演:Nurettin Sönmez, Hasan Yağız, Erkan Taşdöğen, Orhan Kılıç, Perihan Savaş, Hazım Körmükçü, Sinem Öztufan, Özge Sezince, Emrah Elçiboğa, Mehmet Atay, Leyla Göksun, Cem Uçan, Adnan Koç, Mehmet Aslan

  • 机场,现代主义的衰落,第三部分 Airstrip - Aufbruch der Moderne, Teil III


    导演:海因茨·艾米高斯   编剧:海因茨·艾米高斯

    主演:娜娅·布鲁克霍斯特, Ueli Etter

      In the 21st part of his Photography and beyond series, Heinz Emigholz projects as usual a series of structures into our brains and from there on to the screen: Airports, motorways and bus stops; department stores, market halls and warehouses; churches, cathedrals, sculptures and monuments. And a prison, a stadium, an embassy, a semi-detached house. These far-flung architectural...

  • 诺基亚的崛起与衰落 The Rise and Fall of Nokia


    导演:Arto Koskinen   编剧:Arto Koskinen

    主演:Akseli Anttila, Taneli Armanto, 米哈伊尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·戈尔巴乔夫, Ian Broughall, Mika Eriksson, Seppo Haataja

      How small, idealistic, Finnish company, Nokia, became the global leader in cell phone technology only to become drunk with success, lose its visionary style of leadership and completely fail to predict the rise of its death knell, iPhone.

  • 新闻编辑室—报业的衰落 Ekstra Bladet: Uden for citat


    导演:Mikala Krogh   编剧:Mikala Krogh


      丹麦人对他们国内的主流小报Ekstra Bladet(简称EB)颇有微词。这家小报一直以来因其脱离事实、不道德的报道和为吸引眼球哗众取宠而饱受诟病。他们追逐丑闻、窥探名人私生活并无所不用其极地夸张报道。

  • 衰落的城堡 Castle Freak

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:斯图尔特·戈登   编剧:丹尼斯 保利 Dennis Paoli, H·P·洛夫克拉夫特, 斯图尔特·戈登


      H.P. Lovecraft 小说改编.《活跳尸》导演“斯图尔特·戈登(Stuart Gordon)”和满月公司合作的一部冷门的惊悚恐怖片,大概讲述了;有个叫约翰的人意外的继承了一座豪华壮丽的城堡,这座豪华的城堡看似宁静却藏着很多秘密,这个城堡中还有一个长的极其丑陋的怪 物,怪物开始躲在暗处伺机攻击约翰和他的家人,这个怪物究竟是何人物,这座豪华的城堡和约翰的身世之间又有何关连呢?

  • 驻足 And We Stood Still

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:伊拉娜·科尔曼   编剧:伊拉娜·科尔曼

    主演:Talía Marcela, Pedro González


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