
  • 野兽 Monster Pies

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Lee Galea   编剧:Lee Galea

    主演:Tristan Barr, Lucas Linehan, Rohana Hayes

      When Mike's English teacher pairs him up for a class assignment on Romeo and Juliet with the new kid William, Mike can't believe his luck. However as the two spend more and more time working together on a monster movie version of the Bard's classic tale, they both soon realize their feelings for one another may be more powerful than either of them is truly ready for.

  • 超能查 Chappie

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:尼尔·布洛姆坎普   编剧:尼尔·布洛姆坎普, 特丽·塔歇尔

    主演:詹努斯·普林斯洛, 詹森·库伯, 肖恩·O.罗伯茨, 凯文·奥托, 比尔·马钱特, 罗伯特·霍布斯, 尤金·孔巴尼瓦, Vuyelwa Booi, 万迪莱·莫尔巴西, 丹·希尔斯特, 保罗·汉普赛尔, 沙尔托·科普雷, 戴夫·帕特尔, 忍者, 尤兰蒂·维瑟, 何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂略, 休·杰克曼, 西格妮·韦弗, 布兰登·奥雷, 约翰尼·赛力玛, 安德森·库珀, 格雷姆·达菲, 莫里斯·卡佩德, 米兰达·弗利贡


  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:骆仪   编剧:

    主演:黄爱联, 高顺宜, 霍爱芬, 蓝群

      2010英国Exposures电影节 最佳纪录片提名

  • 乐 LA Plays Itself

    类型:伦理片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Fred Halsted   编剧:Fred Halsted

    主演:Jim Frost, Rick Coates, Fred Halsted, Joey Yale, Bob Blount

      The film opens on a shot of the "Los Angeles City Limits" sign. It then cuts to Fred Halsted taking a walk in the forest and coming upon a man sunning himself in the nude. They briefly talk and end up having passionate sex in the wilderness only to be interrupted by bulldozers destroying the wildlife area in order to build a new suburb. The film suddenly switches to inner city ...

  • 家庭对 House Party

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Reginald Hudlin   编剧:雷吉纳·哈德林

    主演:Christopher Reid, Christopher Martin

      Young Kid has been invited to a party at his friend Play's house. But after a fight at school, Kid's father grounds him. None the less, Kid sneaks m.yakubd.cc out when his father falls asleep. But Kid doesn't know that three of the thugs at school has decided to give him a lesson in behaviour。

  • 女孩帮 Girl Gang


    导演:Susanne Regina Meures   编剧:


    她和父母一起住在柏林,父母为了她的社交媒体事业都辞掉了己原本的工作……数百英里外,她最大的粉丝,13 岁的Melanie憧憬着Leoobaly的完美生活。

  • 樱桃 cherry pie チェリーパイ


    导演:井上春生   编剧:井上春生, 久保裕章

    主演:北川景子, 原田夏希, 江口のりこ, 岡田浩暉, 肘井美佳


  • 对女郎 Party Girl

    类型:剧情片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:尼古拉斯·雷   编剧:乔治·韦尔斯

    主演:罗伯特·泰勒, 赛德·查里斯, 李·科布

      Lawyer Thomas Farrell has made a career defending crooks in trials. He has never realised that there is a downside to his success, until he meets the dancer Vicki Gayle. She makes him decide to get a better reputation. But mob king Rico Angelo insists that he continues his services.
      A film that might be regarded as Nicholas Ray's farewell to Hollywood (if not commercial film...

  • 血溅对 Party Crasher


    导演:Brant Sersen   编剧:Jeff Cahn, Brant Sersen

    主演:Jacob Artist, 杰森·布莱尔, 莫莉·塔洛夫

      A fraternity house throws their big "Winter Luau" party but when fraternity brothers and coeds begin dying horrible deaths they discover an evil entity has taken over the house.

  • 圆桌 第四季


    导演:苏雷   编剧:

    主演:陈晓卿, 魏一平, 罗朗, 严歌苓 Geling Yan, 汪海林, 金宇澄, 蒋丰, 梁龙, 李玫瑾, 王蒙, 朱大可, 窦文涛, 周迅, 马未都, 陈坤, 梁文道, 武志红, 蒋方舟, 王晶, 周轶君, 马家辉, 李菁, 张亚东, 魏武挥
