
  • 自娱自乐


    导演:李欣   编剧:陈燕

    主演:尊龙, 李玟, 夏雨, 陶虹, 张铮, 安韩瑾, 周国宾, 杨晓雯, 袁丁


  • 自娱自乐 LA Plays Itself

    类型:伦理片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Fred Halsted   编剧:Fred Halsted

    主演:Jim Frost, Rick Coates, Fred Halsted, Joey Yale, Bob Blount

      The film opens on a shot of the "Los Angeles City Limits" sign. It then cuts to Fred Halsted taking a walk in the forest and coming upon a man sunning himself in the nude. They briefly talk and end up having passionate sex in the wilderness only to be interrupted by bulldozers destroying the wildlife area in order to build a new suburb. The film suddenly switches to inner city ...

  • 杀俱部 Suicide Club

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Olaf Saumer   编剧:Martin Saumer

    主演:Klaus Dieter Bange, Andreas Beck, Andrea Cleven, Arne Gottschling, Katja Götz

      At sunrise five people meet on a highrise rooftop in order to leap to their deaths. Five completely different mind sets. None of them knows about the other as to why they want to terminate their lives so abruptly. They don't even know each other's names. The only bond that ties them together in a tragic and bizarre way is knowing that at any minute they are about to jump. But a...

  • 芳邻来 Music From Another Room

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:查理·皮特斯   编剧:查理·皮特斯

    主演:萨拉·帕克斯顿, Barbara Howard, 小托马斯·罗萨莱斯, 理查德·拉科罗, Fred Sanders, Rocco Salata, 凯文·基尔纳, 扬·鲁布斯, 朱迪丝·马利纳, 希拉莉马休斯, Caitlin Sarah Needham, 乔·鲍里托, 托尼·阿巴特马尔科, 约瑟夫·佩拉图, 玛莎·哈克特, 李韦弗, 裘德·洛, 詹妮弗·提莉, 格瑞辰·摩尔, 玛莎·普林顿, 布兰达·布莱斯, 乔恩·坦尼, 杰里米·皮文, 维森特·拉雷斯卡, 简·亚当斯, 布鲁斯·雅霍夫, 科里·巴克, Joe Pichler


  • 闭症:音剧 Autism: The Musical

    类型:纪录片电影, 片电影

    导演:Tricia Regan   编剧:

    主演:Hillary Aaron, Elaine Hall, Henry

      讲述通过音剧治疗儿童闭症的故事。由洛杉磯教師伊蓮?霍爾(Elain Hall)現身說法,演出她如何讓閉症孩子演音樂劇。 伊蓮本人多才多藝,身兼教師、編劇、演員和演戲教練四種身分 。

  • 心底 Fifi az khoshhali zooze mikeshad


    导演:米特拉·法拉哈尼   编剧:米特拉·法拉哈尼

    主演:Bahman Mohassess, 米特拉·法拉哈尼, Mohassess

      Bahman Mohassess was a celebrated artist at the time of the Shah. Trained in Italy, he created sculptures and paintings in his homeland. But audiences often took offence at the pronounced phalli on his mostly naked bronze figures and his work was regularly censored. All traces of him were lost after the revolution. It was said he destroyed his remaining paintings and disappeare...

  • 气球俱部,那之后 気球クラブ、その後


    导演:园子温   编剧:园子温

    主演:深水元基, 川村雪绘, 长谷川朝晴, 永作博美


  • 美洲足球俱部:战胜己 Club América vs Club América

    类型:纪录片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:   编剧:



  • 极忘形:运毒少女的白 High: Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Tatiana Penfold, Sade Giliberti


  • 工厂唱片:曼城 分裂至快周一 Factory: Manchester from Joy Division to Happy Mondays

    类型:纪录片电影, 片电影

    导演:Chris Rodley   编剧:

    主演:Paul Ryder, Shaun Ryder, John Simm

      Documentary celebrating the triumph,tragedy and human comedy that was Manchester record company, Factory.Started by the late Tony Wilson,Alan Erasmus,Peter Saville and Martin Hannett in the late 1970s, it became known as the home of Joy Divsion, New Order and Happy Mondays and for creating the Hacienda club. The label pioneered Britain's independent pop culture,creating a new M...

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