
  • 两天


    导演:袁文, 崔在亨   编剧:李捷, 韩方编剧

    主演:吴宗宪, 马可, 张睿, 朱梓骁, 安七炫, 姜超, 房祖名, 温兆伦, 吕良伟


  • 人之下

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 动画片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:李豪凌, 王昕   编剧:米二, 森满男

    主演:田丸笃志, 饭田友子, 早见沙织, 野岛健儿, 立花慎之介, 山口胜平, 宫泽正, 日笠阳子, 三宅麻理惠, 原由实, 鸟海浩辅


  • 2018年中央广播电视总台六

    类型:音乐片电影, 歌舞片电影, 儿童片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:吴映香, 易烊千玺, 蔡国庆, 康妮·塔波特, 王俊凯, 王源

  • 错误的步 錯誤的

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:蔡扬名   编剧:朱延平

    主演:马沙, 梁修身, 杨惠姗


  • 2022年中央广播电视总台六


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:刘耀文, 张真源, 赵天, 关晓彤, 杜悦, 张子枫, 宋祖儿, 张婉儿, 刘楚恬, 鞠萍, 郏捷, 王淏, 耿晨晨, 马凡舒, 姜雨彤, 苏炳添, 武大靖, 全红婵, 苏翊鸣, 丁程鑫

  • 星期五二季 Friday Night Dinner Season 2


    导演:马丁·丹尼斯   编剧:Robert Popper

    主演:西蒙·伯德, 汤姆·罗森塔尔, Paul Ritter, 塔姆辛·格雷格, 马克·希普

      In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts drying fish in the downstairs cupboard, neighbour Jim makes a birthday cake for his dog Wilson, Grandma gets a new boyfriend who no one likes, and we meet Dad's mother - 'Horrible Grandma'.

  • 星期五五季 Friday Night Dinner Season 5


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:塔姆辛·格雷格, 西蒙·伯德, 保罗·里特, 汤姆·罗森塔尔, 马克·希普

      For the Goodman family, Friday Night Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and you've pretty much got it.
      Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night dinner as a necessary annoyance - necessary because they get fed, and meijubar.net annoying because, well, they have to spend the evening with Mum and Dad. It's not that Mum and Dad aren't...

  • 星期五三季 Friday Night Dinner Season 3


    导演:Martin Dennis   编剧:Robert Popper

    主演:西蒙·伯德, 塔姆辛·格雷格, Tom Rosenthal

      Sitcom from Robert Popper about the gloriously idiosyncratic Goodman family. Starring Simon Bird, Tamsin Greig, Paul Ritter, Tom Rosenthal and guest star Mark Heap.

  • 星期五四季 Friday Night Dinner Season 4


    导演:马丁·丹尼斯   编剧:Robert Popper

    主演:西蒙·伯德, Frances Cuka, 塔姆辛·格雷格, 马克·希普, 特蕾西·安·奥伯曼, 保罗·里特, 汤姆·罗森塔尔, 杰森·沃特金斯

      In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts drying fish in the downstairs mingtian6.com cupboard, neighbour Jim makes a birthday cake for his dog Wilson, Grandma gets a new boyfriend who no one likes, and we meet Dad's mother - 'Horrible Grandma'....