
  • Dirty

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Bruce Sweeney   编剧:Bruce Sweeney

    主演:Tom Scholte, 巴布斯丘拉, 本杰明·拉特纳, Rondel Reynoldson, Frida Betrani

      Angie is a middle-aged drug dealer, who fulfills the masochistic fantasies of young student David. David shares a residence with lonely log company worker Tony. Other characters - Angie's roommate Nancy, Angie's son Ethan and her old mother Abbie are also very lonely and desperate for human communication.

  • 之神 Dirty God


    导演:莎莎·波拉克   编剧:莎莎·波拉克, Susie Farrell

    主演:Alys Metcalf, Malique Warner, Jake Wheeldon, Rosie Akerman, Kazia Pelka, 维琪·奈特, 凯瑟琳·凯丽, 伊莱莎·布雷迪-吉拉德, 丽贝卡·斯通, 温迪·阿尔比斯顿, 布鲁·罗宾森, Dana Marineci, Tachia Newall, Frieda Thiel, Shystie, Karl Jackson


  • 曾经的污 The Dirty Onces

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Brent Stewart   编剧:Brent Stewart

    主演:Rachel Korine, Raven Dunn, hn Ranieri

      The Dirty Ones is one of 96 short films selected from a pool of 5,632 entries for next year's competition. The film, running for ten-minutes and shot with a Red One camera, stars Rachel Korine and Raven Dunn as "two Mennonite sisters are traveling throughout Southern states with the body of their dead grandmother lying in the trunk bed." The trailer for the film can be found he...

  • 的怪兽 The Monster of Piedras Blancas

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Irvin Berwick   编剧:H. Haile Chace

    主演:莱斯·崔梅恩, 福雷斯特·刘易斯, 约翰·哈蒙

      The monster, which looks like a nastier version of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon," invades a sleepy lighthouse town. The superstitious lighthouse keeper is worried for the safety of his beautiful teenage daughter, so he leaves food for the monster, who dwells in a nearby cave. When bodies wash up ashore, the locals take notice.

  • 与愤怒 The Filth and the Fury

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Julien Temple   编剧:

    主演:John Lydon, Malcolm McLaren, Steve Jones

      If nothing else, this is the only Sex Pistols film (there are now at least 3) to make explicit and in-depth reference to the band members' working class roots, and the way that experience informed their project. This alone makes the film worth seeing, as it explodes the myth, fostered no doubt by their PT Barnum manager, Malcolm McLaren, that the whole project was an exercise i...

  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:万玛才旦   编剧:万玛才旦

    主演:索朗旺姆, 金巴, 杨秀措


  • 类型:爱情片电影

    导演:曾翠珊   编剧:王斌, 虞俏

    主演:朴施厚, 陈燃, 安琥, 李祥祥, 沈智瑗, 漆亚灵, 殷叶子, 老豹, 海阳


  • ユウキ


    导演:吉野洋   编剧:水桥文美江, 山冈真介

    主演:龟梨和也, 小栗旬, 吹石一惠

      利用“Working Holiday”时间(以青少年培养为目的,在他国滞留期间,为补足旅行经费以及滞留经费而被认可的工作制度)远度澳大利亚的讴歌青春的主人公,感到了身体的异常,回国后知道了自己的病情。曾在澳大利亚一同工作,一同嬉戏,互相直言不讳说出自己梦想和烦恼的朋友们得知了主人公的病情之后,都相继来探望以此鼓励他。从好友们那里得到力量的主人公,在经历了长达23小时的大型手术后,决定挑战全程马拉松,出色的在5小时内跑完了全程。朋友们很担心他的病,却反被精神满满不断前进的主人公所鼓舞。但是,确确实实在吞噬主人公身体的病魔。使得双眼完全失明,更因为病情恶化,使他只能以有限的精神力来支撑自...

  • Courage


    导演:马修·沃恩   编剧:卡尔·盖杜谢克


      导演马修·沃恩(《王牌特工1、2》《海扁王》)新片出炉:他将参与制作并有望执导一部科幻动作片《勇》(Courage),剧本来自《怪奇物语》执行制作人Karl Gajdusek。

  • Deflated

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Dustin Shroff   编剧:Dustin Shroff

    主演:格雷格·巴利亚, Keturah Branch, Carson Trinity Haverda

      Chris has come to the shop with his dad to spend his pocketmoney- his heart set on getting a boncy ball. But when he gets to the toy aisle, he soon discovers that all of the balls in the ball cage are bright pink… except for one deflated green ball.