
  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:坂东玉三郎   编剧:坂东玉三郎, 桥本裕志, 吉村元希



  • 洛 Colo


    导演:特雷莎·维拉芙尔德   编剧:特雷莎·维拉芙尔德

    主演:约翰·佩德罗·瓦斯, 爱丽丝·阿尔贝加里亚·博格斯, 比阿特丽斯·巴塔尔达, 克拉拉·约斯特, 丽塔·布兰, Ricardo Aibéo, 马塞洛·乌戈盖, Simone de Oliveira, Dinis

      In Portugal, a father, a mother and a daughter's daily lives are being subsumed by the effects of the economic crisis.

  • Jaco


    导演:史蒂芬·卡嘉克, Paul Marchand   编剧:

    主演:Jerry Jemmott, Alex Acuna, Nathan Watts, Randy Brecker, 弗利, 斯汀, 乔尼·米切尔, 格迪·李, Bootsy Collins, Meshell Ndegeocello, Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Shorter, Bobby Colomby, Peter Erskine, Al Di Meola

      METALLICA 贝司手 Robert Trujillo 最新倾囊拍摄的传记电影,一部关于传奇贝司手 Jaco Pastorius 的纪录片《Jaco - A Documentary Film》。首先在蒙特利尔和慕尼黑的夏季电影节中播放,获得各界好评。Trujillo 曾表示他为这部电影花了5年的时间,觉得必须完成这片,而且对该片有了一种责任感。
      'JACO' tells the story of Jaco Pastorius, a self-taught, larger-than-life musician who changed the course of modern music. Never-before -seen archive unveils the story of Jaco's life, his music, his demis...

  • 侦探EYE SP 左探偵EYE SP


    导演:大塚恭司   编剧:秦建日子

    主演:山田涼介, 横山裕, 石原里美, 寺协康文


  • 漱石之妻 夏漱石の妻

    类型:家庭片电影, 古装片电影

    导演:柴田岳志, 榎户崇泰   编剧:池端俊策, 夏目响子, 松冈譲

    主演:尾野真千子, 长谷川博己, 黑岛结菜, 满岛真之介, 竹中直人, 馆博


  • 技苑


    导演:   编剧:



  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:岸善幸   编剧:香川正人, 岸善幸, 月島冬二

    主演:有村架纯, 森田刚, 矶村勇斗, 槙田雄司, 中川雅也, 木村多江, 若叶龙也, 石桥静河


  • Biko

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:马逸腾   编剧:Puovin Sandera

    主演:Azrel Ismail, Baby Shima, Syed Irfan

      Izwan is a single father raising his son Biko. They get kicked out of their house for failure to pay rent. Irfan's best friend Sherry takes Biko for an audition with a famous singer, Sara. But who is Sara?

  • Chaco


    导演:迪亚戈蒙·卡达   编剧:塞萨尔·迪亚兹, Diego Mondaca, Pilar Palomero

    主演:法比安·阿雷尼利亚斯, Raymundo Ramos, Omar Calisaya

      In 1934, Bolivia is at war with Paraguay. Liborio and Ticona and other Bolivian indigenous soldiers are lost in the hell of the Chaco, under the commandment of German Captain Kundt. They're looking for the Paraguayan enemy that they haven't seen for months, and that they will never find. They leave together in a search that will make them realize, progressively, the destiny the...

  • 林 Colin

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Marc Price   编剧:Marc Price

    主演:Alastair Kirton, Daisy Aitkens

      By Geoff Bough
      Colin is the debut feature from UK Director Marc Price and Nowhere Fast Productions. Easily one of the most inventive of recent indie zombie films, the film tells the story of our main character Colin who we are briefly introduced to in his human form. As Colin stumbles through a front doorway, we hear the faint crackling of automatic gunfire and general chaos en...