
  • Jaco


    导演:史蒂芬·卡嘉克, Paul Marchand   编剧:

    主演:Jerry Jemmott, Alex Acuna, Nathan Watts, Randy Brecker, 弗利, 斯汀, 乔尼·米切尔, 格迪·李, Bootsy Collins, Meshell Ndegeocello, Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Shorter, Bobby Colomby, Peter Erskine, Al Di Meola

      METALLICA 贝司手 Robert Trujillo 最新倾囊拍摄的传记电影,一部关于传奇贝司手 Jaco Pastorius 的纪录片《Jaco - A Documentary Film》。首先在蒙特利尔和慕尼黑的夏季电影节中播放,获得各界好评。Trujillo 曾表示他为这部电影花了5年的时间,觉得必须完成这片,而且对该片有了一种责任感。
      'JACO' tells the story of Jaco Pastorius, a self-taught, larger-than-life musician who changed the course of modern music. Never-before -seen archive unveils the story of Jaco's life, his music, his demis...

  • Prilagođeni

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Dejan Petrović   编剧:


      What does freedom mean? And in some cases, could it be better to be locked up, with a roof over your head and food to eat, even if you have to work for it? Dejan Petrović poses these questions indirectly in his distinctively framed impressions of an overcrowded dog shelter in Serbia, where the dogs are kept behind wire mesh in dismal pens.
      The observational footage is consisten...

  • 女家


    导演:叶庆辉   编剧:

    主演:吴松, 吴敏, 余丽玲, 马田, 张武杰

      李董事长有两个宝贝儿子,大凯和小凯,大凯总认为外国月亮比较圆,一心想出国,小凯考大学没考上,准备来年再考,李董事长便请了家,结果被小凯整得不成 人形,辞职不干了。

  • 风之会 風の


    导演:小田香   编剧:



  • 恶之典 悪の


    导演:三池崇史   编剧:三池崇史, 贵志祐介

    主演:伊藤英明, 二阶堂富美, 染谷将太, 林遣都, 浅香航大, 水野绘梨奈, 山田孝之, 平岳大, 吹越满

      私立晨光学院町田高中,群体作弊事件严重,校园暴力引发胡搅蛮缠的家长与师的连锁冲突,体育师柴原彻郎(山田孝之 饰)和美术师久米刚毅(平岳大 饰)的不端行为又令这一神圣职业蒙羞。

  • Biko

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:马逸腾   编剧:Puovin Sandera

    主演:Azrel Ismail, Baby Shima, Syed Irfan

      Izwan is a single father raising his son Biko. They get kicked out of their house for failure to pay rent. Irfan's best friend Sherry takes Biko for an audition with a famous singer, Sara. But who is Sara?

  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:岸善幸   编剧:香川正人, 岸善幸, 月島冬二

    主演:有村架纯, 森田刚, 矶村勇斗, 槙田雄司, 中川雅也, 木村多江, 若叶龙也, 石桥静河


  • Chaco


    导演:迪亚戈蒙·卡达   编剧:塞萨尔·迪亚兹, Diego Mondaca, Pilar Palomero

    主演:法比安·阿雷尼利亚斯, Raymundo Ramos, Omar Calisaya

      In 1934, Bolivia is at war with Paraguay. Liborio and Ticona and other Bolivian indigenous soldiers are lost in the hell of the Chaco, under the commandment of German Captain Kundt. They're looking for the Paraguayan enemy that they haven't seen for months, and that they will never find. They leave together in a search that will make them realize, progressively, the destiny the...

  • Apostasy


    导演:达恩·塔杰洛   编剧:达恩·科科塔杰洛

    主演:希欧布罕·芬内朗, 萨沙·帕金森, 罗伯特·埃姆斯, 斯蒂夫·艾弗茨, 布朗温·詹姆斯, 莫莉·莱特, James Quinn, 克莱尔·哈基特, Jessica Baglow, Aqib Khan, 沃西姆·哲基尔

      As devout Jehovah's Witnesses, sisters Alex and Luisa and their mother, Ivanna, are united in The Truth. Alex looks up to her confident older sister, while striving to follow in Ivanna's footsteps as a 'good Witness'. But when Luisa starts to question the advice of the Elders, she makes a life-altering transgression that threatens to expel her from the congregation. Unless Ivan...

  • ツインズ


    导演:齊藤郁宏   编剧:石原武龍, 冈田惠和

    主演:高岛政宏, 石黑贤, 松村邦洋, 长濑智也, 饭岛直子, 井之原快彦, 高岛礼子, 浜崎あゆみ, 菅野美穗, 佐藤蓝子, 宝生舞

      同じ日に、同じ母から生まれ 母の右と左のおっぱいを分け合い、同じおもちゃで、同じ成长を遂げるはずだったツインズだが、运命は、幼いふたりに别れという试练を与えた。この物语は、引き裂かれたツインズの爱の物语である。