
  • 老人漂流 “老后破产”的现实 老人漂流 "老後破産"の現実


    导演:   编剧:



  • 小流氓 The Small World Of Sammy Lee


    导演:肯·休斯   编剧:肯·休斯

    主演:安东尼·纽雷, 茱莉亚·福斯特, 罗伯特·斯蒂芬斯

  • 珍翠·周与黑 Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影, 动画片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:黄阿丽, 杨伯文, 刘玉玲, 欧阳万成, 洛瑞·坦·齐恩, 王盛, 金宇成

      The series follows Jentry Chau (voiced by Wong), a Chinese-American teen living in a small Texas town, who finds out a demon king is hunting her for the supernatural powers she’s been working her whole life to repress. With the help of her weapons expert great-aunt and a millennia-old jiangshi (Chinese hopping vampire), Jentry must now fight an entire underworld’s worth of mons...

  • 性抹杀丈夫的5个方法 夫を的に抹殺する5つの方法


    导演:上村奈帆, 進藤丈広   编剧:上村奈帆, 小坂志宝, 服部紘二, 倉地雄大

    主演:马场富美加, 野村周平


  • 十分钟速成课:学 Crash Course: Sociology


    导演:Michael Aranda, Nicholas Jenkins   编剧:Steven Lauterwasser

    主演:Nicole Sweeney

  • 圣保罗,变奏曲 São Paulo, Sociedade Anônima


    导演:路易斯·塞尔吉奥·帕尔逊   编剧:路易斯·塞尔吉奥·帕尔逊

    主演:Walmor Chagas, Eva Wilma, Mário Aldrá

      A man lives in conflict as he deals with his friends and love interests against the backdrop of São Paulo.

  • 红楼梦第一:宝黛相

    类型:剧情片电影, 古装片电影

    导演:谢铁骊, 赵元   编剧:谢铁骊, 谢逢松

    主演:夏菁, 陶慧敏, 傅艺伟, 刘晓庆, 林默予, 章杰, 赵丽蓉, 何赛飞, 李法曾

      声名显赫的京城贾家分荣、宁二府。荣公长孙贾赦,独一子名贾琏。次孙贾政娶王氏,生子名珠,早逝;次女元春,选为贵妃;又得一子,因口中衔玉,玉又有字,名宝玉。宝玉不爱读八股文,却偏爱和女孩子搅在一起。贾政妹妹贾敏嫁扬州林如海,膝下一女,名黛玉。黛玉11岁丧母,林如海将其送到贾 府依伴外祖母史太君。黛玉与宝玉初次见面,竟无一点生疏。王夫人胞妹嫁于薛家,女儿宝钗知书达理。为宝钗选女官,薛姨妈合家进京,客居贾家。贾府为迎元妃省亲,特修省亲别墅——大观园。元月十五,亲人得一日相聚。

  • 男权的女人们 Daughters of the Niger Delta


    导演:Ilse van Lamoen   编剧:

    主演:Inatimi Odio, Bogofanyo Inengibo

      'Daughters of the Niger Delta' is an intimate film portrait of three ordinary women in the Niger Delta who manage to make ends meet against all odds. As their personal stories unfold, we come to see that the widely ignored environmental pollution in their backyard is not the only human rights violation affecting their lives. The stories of these women, filmed with astounding cr...

  • 百人实验 第一季 100 humans Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Alison Ward, Ryan Zamo, Kelvin Blunt, David Eby, Erik A. Williams, Haley Bockrath, Zainab Johnson, Alley Kerr, Jessica-Lee Korkes, 夏洛特·劳斯, Aaron Louie, Sammy Obeid, Aneiszka Sea, Tyanta Snow, Alan Squats, Alfredo Tavares
