
  • 你的目光所及之处 너의 시선이 머무는 곳에

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 同性

    导演:黄大瑟   编剧:黄大瑟

    主演:韩基灿, 张义秀, 崔呈媛, Baek Jong Min


  • 男性目光:夜行本能 The Male Gaze: Nocturnal Instincts

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Dean Anderson, 罗伯托·卡努图, Nicolas Graux, 加布里埃尔·奥姆里·卢卡斯, Gustav Olsson, 徐小溪   编剧:Matthew Bates, 徐小溪, 罗伯托·卡努图

    主演:蒂伊门·戈瓦尔茨, Alexander Abdallah, 加布里埃尔·奥姆里·卢卡斯, 陈熙, 文思睿, 余吟萌

      Strap yourself in for an exhilarating journey into darkness with these five award-winning short films from across the globe that delve into heart-pumping escapades varying from the intensely erotic to the ultra-violent to the warm-inside feels. The night has never looked so inviting.

  • 男性目光:捉迷藏 The Male Gaze: Hide and Seek

    类型:短片, 同性

    导演:Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes, Lorenzo Caproni, Paulo Roberto, David Benedek, Eoin Maher   编剧:Fabio Marson, Lorenzo Caproni, Jakub Spevák, Ján Stiffel

    主演:Daniele Mariani, Sam Atlas, Emanuel Caserio

      A father leaves his family to reignite an old flame, an app hookup leads to something more, and a relationship is put to the test when secrets come to the fore. Popular with children, hide and seek is a game we never seem to stop playing.

  • 某人的目光 だれかのまなざし

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:新海诚   编剧:新海诚

    主演:平野文, 花村怜美, 小川真司

      在并不遥远的未来,昌明的科技已足以和你我所处的时代拉开距离,但是关于人与人之间的情感,却似乎从来没有什么不同。供职于东京某公司的OL冈村绫(花村怜美 配音)曾经在父母的守护下度过快乐的童年,后来妈妈常年派驻海外,小绫大部分的时间都和父亲父亲浩司(小川真司 配音)在一起。为了排遣女儿的寂寞,父亲还为她养了一只可爱的小猫。但随着年龄的增长,小绫越来越多的快乐都来自外面的世界,她有些轻视父亲的卑微,对家的眷恋也不再那么强烈。以入职为契机,这个女孩过上了期盼已久的单身生活。但在社会现实的重压之下,黄昏电车上的小绫渐渐透不过气来……

  • 美少年的目光 美少年のまなざし

    类型:伦理, 同性

    导演:渡边元嗣   编剧:山崎浩治

    主演:永井努, 久保新二, 本多菊次郎, 小久保昌明, なかみつせいじ, 横須賀正一


  • 男性目光:前锋与后卫 The Male Gaze: Strikers & Defenders

    类型:剧情, 同性, 运动

    导演:Fabien Cavacas, Ron Jäger, Laurent Lunetta, Camille Melvil, 彼得·格雷厄姆·斯科特   编剧:Fabien Cavacas, Laurent Lunetta, Camille Melvil

    主演:哈里·贾维斯, 马蒂厄·卢奇, 塞缪尔·泰斯

      Four drama-fueled shorts from Germany, France and the UK that explore how rivalry between teams can spill over into teacher-pupil relationships, high school crushes and brotherly compassion.

  • 一种目光的记忆:伊文思纪录的世界


    导演:蓝冰, 叶晶   编剧:

    主演:Joris Ivens


  • 男性目光:男孩是我的 The Male Gaze: The Boy Is Mine

    类型:爱情, 同性

    导演:Rafael Ruiz Espejo, Fuoco Maria Balduzzi, Jerome Casanova, Anette Sidor, Nicolas Jara   编剧:Ksenia Firsova, Joachim Neef, Veronica Zacco

    主演:卡洛斯·弗洛雷斯, Ryan Davies, Hannes Fohlin

      We wish to make him ours, to keep and to hold forever, but will the boy reciprocate? Is he everything we expected him to be? In these five tales a variety of characters throw caution to the wind and take their chances on a fleeting moment.

  • 男性目光:热火之夜 The Male Gaze: The Heat of the Night


    导演:Osama Chami, Enrique Gimeno, Eoin Maher, 摩西·罗森塔尔, 安东尼·沙特曼, Guido Verelst, Valentina Chamorro Westergårdh   编剧:Osama Chami, Enrique Gimeno, Eoin Maher, 摩西·罗森塔尔, 安东尼·沙特曼, Guido Verelst, Valentina Chamorro Westergårdh

    主演:Ezra Fieremans, Andreas La Chenardière, Thomas Ryckewaert, Steven van Watermeulen, Michaël Assié, Joe Busk, Manuel Castillo, Aaron Cini, Enrique Gimeno, Ori Laiser

      When darkness falls, temperatures rise in these six stories about late night confessions, intimacy for sale, high speed hookups and full moon frissons. But when the sun comes up and reality reveals itself, will it have all been worth it?

  • 亨利·卡蒂尔-布列松:毕生目光 Henri Cartier-Bresson - Biographie eines Blicks

    类型:纪录片, 传记

    导演:Heinz Bütler   编剧:

    主演:亨利·卡蒂尔-布列松, Arthur Miller, Isabelle Huppert, Robert Delpire, Elliott Erwitt
