
  • Air

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Luke Davies   编剧:Luke Davies

    主演:安德鲁·加菲尔德, S.A. Griffin

      一个英国人(安德鲁·加菲尔德 饰)在德克萨斯州农村徒步旅行的超自然经历

  • 氛 Ambiancé


    导演:Anders Weberg   编剧:Anders Weberg


      On December 31, 2020 the Swedish artist Anders Weberg ends his 20 plus years relation with the moving image as a means of creative expression. After more than 300 films he puts an end with the premiere of what will be the longest film ever made. Ambiancé is 720 hours long (30 days) and will be shown in its full length on a single occasion syncronised in all the continents of th...

  • 球 Balloon

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Jeremy Merrifield   编剧:Jeremy Merrifield, Dave Testa

    主演:乔纳斯·贝尔斯, 保罗·谢尔, Jaylin Ogle

      In the brutal battlefield of junior high, Sam has always tried to stay below radar. But all that changes when he discovers he has super powers.

  • 泡 Bubble

    类型:短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:王昊楠   编剧:王昊楠

    主演:肖鼎臣, 金晶


  • Кислород

    类型:剧情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:伊万·维里帕夫   编剧:伊万·维里帕夫

    主演:Aleksei Filimonov, 卡罗利娜·格鲁什卡, Varvara Voetskova


  • 类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:黄枫   编剧:何仁

    主演:茅瑛, 洪金宝, 黄家达, 白鹰, 黄仁植, 薛家燕, 梁小龙, 成龙, 林正英, 元奎

      1934年在日本武术学校之间有开放敌手战斗。有一次战斗在市场, 三名中国学生当他们协助帮会攻击战斗以致他们的学校被毁坏,并且他们被驱逐。

  • ! Air!

    类型:动画片电影, 纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:保罗·德里森   编剧:保罗·德里森


      Production Co: National Film Board of Canada (NFB)

  • 泡 Bubble

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:史蒂文·索德伯格   编剧:Coleman Hough

    主演:Debbie Doebereiner, Dustin James Ashley, Omar Cowan, Misty Wilkins, Joyce Brookhart


  • Мужество


    导演:米哈伊尔·卡拉托佐夫   编剧:Aleksandr Bondi, Dmitri Dudnikov

    主演:Oleg Zhakov, Dmitry Dudnikov, Konstantin Sorokin

      Air scorcher - the pilot of the civilian air fleet Alexey Tomilin - once more decides not to tempt fate and the only fly in a straight line. Airport, where he works Tomilin, located near the border with Afghanistan. One day the hero gets the job to fly to the border area and send the packet to the order of the capture of a major saboteur, who crossed the border. Returning, Tomi...

  • Femme


    导演:萨姆·H·弗里曼   编剧:

    主演:乔治·麦凯, 内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特

      Jules is a drag artist in London. After a performance, he is brutally attacked and, traumatised, withdraws into himself. Months later, he recognises his assailant in a gay sauna and begins an affair with him, incognito. A gripping revenge thriller.