
  • 女孩 エレクトロニックガール


    导演:松田圭太   编剧:松田圭太

    主演:小泉麻耶, 綾野剛, 藤川俊生, 藤真美穂, 諏訪太朗


  • 红色文住宅里的初 赤い文住宅の初


    导演:タナダユキ   编剧:タナダユキ, 松田洋子

    主演:东亚优, 坂井真纪, 铃木砂羽, 塩谷瞬, 佐野和真

      正值花季的中学三年级学生宇野初(東亜優 饰)本该拥有幸福的童年,然而她的人生却充满了不幸。父亲(大杉漣 饰)早年失踪,母亲(鈴木砂羽 饰)辛苦支撑这个家,结果劳累而死。

  • 管 Lampa cu caciula


    导演:拉杜·裘德   编剧:Florin Lazarescu

    主演:Marian Bratu, 加布里埃尔·斯巴修, Natalia Calin

      One morning, somewhere in an isolated Romanian village, a boy wakes up his father to go into town. His father has promised that they’ll go to have their old TV set repaired. The village is not only remote, but a long way from life as most people know it in the twenty first century; if it rains, water floods the house and in order to cross the river, one has to improvise a foot ...

  • 天鹅 Electric Swan


    导演:康斯坦蒂娜·科扎马尼   编剧:康斯坦蒂娜·科扎马尼

    主演:胡安·卡洛斯·阿杜维里, Nelly Prince, Elisa Massino


  • 分光人 スペクトルマン

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:土屋啓之助, 石黒光一, 堺武夫, 樋口弘美, 長谷部安春, 大塚莞爾   编剧:辻真先, 藤川桂介, 小池一雄, ねもとしょうじ, 高久進, 鶴見和一, 伊東恒久, 山崎晴哉

    主演:成川哲夫, 大平透, 小西まち


  • 达摩 Digital Dharma


    导演:Dafna Yachin   编剧:Timothy Gates, Arthur Fischman, Dafna Yachin

    主演:E. Gene Smith, Matthieu Ricard, Khyentse Norbu


  • 天使 Ilektrikos angelos

    类型:爱情片电影, 伦理片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Thanasis Rentzis   编剧:



  • 这个男为石困窘 この男、石に悩んでます。


    导演:山本蒼美   编剧:山本蒼美

    主演:蒼井翔太, 平川大輔


  • 情人 Virtual Girl

    类型:科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Richard Gabai   编剧:

    主演:Charlie Curtis

      John Lewis, a programming genius, has it all- a beautiful wife and a child, a lavish home and he’s on the brink of making it big after he finishes one last project, a CD-Rom Sex Game called Virtual Girl.

  • 身体 Electric bodies


    导演:Antoine Janot   编剧:Antoine Janot, Judicaël Eymard, Judith Godinot

    主演:Rébecca Finet, Solène Rigot, Camille Le Gall

      In a future where human memory is recorded on cards and biomechanical bodies are replaced by biological ones, anyone can change appearance following their mood, as long as they can afford it. But people who can not continue to rent their expensive bodies and are forced to abandon them. This is what threatens Emma Beaufort.