
  • 独眼巨人 Cyclops


    导演:Declan O'Brien   编剧:Frances Doel

    主演:Eric Roberts, Kevin Stapleton, Frida Show, Craig Archibald

      It is the pinnacle of the Roman Empire, a time of mighty gladiators, lusty women, and a ferocious one - eyed monster that slaughters those foolish enough to enter his forest domain. But the corrupt Emperor Tiberius has a plan to please the bloodlust of the people: Capture the creature and unleash him in the arena against his condemned slaves, including wrongfully imporisoned ge...

  • 独眼巨人 The Cyclops

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:伯特·I·戈登   编剧:伯特·I·戈登

    主演:詹姆斯·克雷格, 格洛瑞亚·陶伯特, 小朗·钱尼, 汤姆·德雷克


  • 独眼巨人博士 Dr. Cyclops

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Ernest B. Schoedsack   编剧:Tom Kilpatrick

    主演:阿尔伯特·德科, Thomas Coley, Janice Logan

      "Dr. Cyclops" is known as one of the better "early sci-fi" films, made in '39 and released in 1940. (It is also in color.) But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is a very confused film.
      The plot is simple - crazy mad scientist on some remote island can shrink animals, and wants to try it on humans. He manages this on a scientific team that came...

  • 阿特拉斯大战独眼巨人 Atlas Against the Cyclops

    类型:奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:安东尼奥·莱昂维奥拉   编剧:奥雷斯特·比安科利

    主演:戈登·米切尔, 切诺·阿隆索, Vira Silenti, 但丁·迪保罗

  • Giants Being Lonely

    类型:剧情片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Grear Patterson   编剧:Grear Patterson, Sam Stillman

    主演:Stella Schnabel, Joey Thurmond, Alejandro Castro Arias, Tal Chatterjee, Amalia Culp, Lola Daehler, Nancy Demorest, Gabe Fazio, Lily Gavin, Jack Irv, Ben Irving, Larry Miller, Rick Rocha

      In a leafy, semi-rural Southern enclave; high-school seniors Adam, Bobby, and Caroline navigate their final year together through the ups and downs of love, sex, loneliness, friendship, baseball, and death – as the pressure mounts to make it out alive.

  • 是国王 ...borgnes sont rois, Les


    导演:埃德蒙·塞尚, Michel Leroy   编剧:埃德蒙·塞尚


  • 超银河传说外传:赛罗奥特曼vs黑暗独眼巨人赛罗 ウルトラ銀河伝説外伝 ウルトラマンゼロVSダークロプスゼロ


    导演:おかひでき   编剧:荒木憲一

    主演:宫野真守, 真夏龙, 南翔太, 小西博之, 俊藤光利, 宫下友美, 寺井大介, 末永博志

      ZAP SPACY收到了求救信号,雷等人迅速驾驶盘龙号前往,但却被吸进扭曲空间。在扭曲空间的一颗惑星上,雷他们遇见了其他次元的自己,并且出现了一头机械哥莫拉。

  • 辛巴达七航妖岛 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad

    类型:动作片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:纳森·朱兰   编剧:Ken Kolb, 雷·哈里豪森

    主演:Kerwin Mathews, Kathryn Grant


  • 怪物布劳 Monster Brawl

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Jesse T. Cook   编剧:Jesse T. Cook

    主演:Dave Foley, Robert Maillet, Art Hindle
