
  • 第35届大电影百花奖颁奖典礼


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:曲尼次仁, 李晨, 曹保平, 李少红, 蒋璐霞, 雅玫, 张译, 肖央, 谭卓, 韩昊霖, 王传君, 黄晓明, 袁泉, 饺子, 孟美岐, 李一桐, 陈都灵, 刘昊然, 王俊凯, 佟丽娅, 任鲁豫, 蓝羽, 周冬雨, 秦沛, 惠英红, 易烊千玺, 杨紫, 郭晓东, 王祖蓝, 白冰, 哈妮克孜, 郑恺, 俞灏明, 颜丙燕, 冯绍峰, 伊丽媛, 王宝强, 容祖儿, 郑绪岚, 吴樾, 祝希娟, 刘晓庆, 杜江, 黄群飞, 文牧野, 于冬, 张涵予, 尹力, 吴京, 喇培康, 冯文娟


  • 萨帕塔族解放运动 A Place Called Chiapas


    导演:Nettie Wild   编剧:Manfred Becker, 内蒂·怀德 Nettie Wild

    主演:萨尔瓦多·加西亚·鲁伊斯, 拉法埃尔·塞巴斯蒂安·纪廉·文森特

      萨帕塔族解放运动 (西班牙语:Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN)是位于墨西哥最贫穷的恰帕斯州(Chiapas)的武装组织。

  • 埃及主观察站 Egypt: We are Watching You


    导演:   编剧:


      Documentary in which three Egyptian women, unable to sit by while their country is on the brink of drastic change, start a grass roots movement to educate and empower the public by raising awareness of the meaning of democracy. It shows footage from the first year of their Shayfeen ('We are watching you') movement, and looks at how ordinary citizens can shape and secure democra...

  • 复活节岛上失落的神 The Lost Gods of Easter Island


    导演:Kate Broome   编剧:大卫·爱登堡


      复活节岛上失落的神(The Lost Gods Of Easter Island)

  • 仇恨合国:遭受攻击的穆斯林 United States Of Hate: Muslims Under Attack


    导演:Steph Atkinson   编剧:

    主演:Steph Atkinson

      In this one-off documentary BBC Three examines America’s recent upsurge in Islamophobia; meeting both Texan anti-Islam groups and American Muslims as tensions rise at some of America’s mosques. Award-winning director and producer Steph Atkinson asks how did America get here, and if the fears between these different groups are justified.
      In Irving, Texas, the city’s growing Musl...

  • 是谁在与主为敌 The War on Democracy


    导演:Christopher Martin, 约翰·皮尔格   编剧:约翰·皮尔格



  • 肯洛奇 "Cinéma, de notre temps" Citizen Ken Loach


    导演:Karim Dridi   编剧:


  • 漫画家,主的步兵 Caricaturistes, fantassins de la démocratie


    导演:Stéphanie Valloatto   编剧:Stéphanie Valloatto, 拉杜·米哈伊列亚努

    主演:Pi San, Eric Fottorino, Baki Boukhalfa, Malek, 艾未未, Plantu, Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Damien Glez, Michel Kichka, Rayma Suprani, Slim, Jeff Danziger, Baha Boukhari, Lassane Zohoré, Ángel Boligán Corbo, Nadia Khiari

      12 lovable lunatics, capturing the comic and tragic in all four corners of the earth: cartoonists who risk their lives to defend democracy, with a smile on their faces and a pencil as their only weapon.

  • 全力以赴:为主而战 All In: The Fight for Democracy


    导演:Lisa Cortes, 莉兹·加伯斯   编剧:杰克·扬格尔森

    主演:Jayla Allen, Sean J. Young, Bert Rein, Desmond Meade, Stacey Abrams, 安德鲁·杨, 埃里克·方纳, 露西·拜恩斯·约翰逊, Lauren Groh-Wargo, Debo Adegbile, Michael Parsons, Frances Fox Piven, Marcia Fudge, Michael Waldman, Carol Anderson

      The documentary takes a look at the history, and current activism against voter suppression; barriers to voting that most people don't even know is a threat to their basic rights as citizens of the United States.

  • 阿多诺:作为革命者的公 Adorno: Der Bürger als Revolutionär

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:阿多诺, 霍克海默, Alexander Kluge, Alexander Kluge

      Teil 1: Eigentlich wollte Adorno Musiker werden. Nach eigenen Angaben konnte er singen, bevor er sprechen lernte. Doch in Wien, wo er bei Alban Berg Komposition studierte, fand er keinen richtigen Anschluss an die musikalische Avantgarde. Dafür lernte er Max Horkheimer kennen, den jungen Marxisten und späteren Direktor des Frankfurter Instituts für Sozialforschung. Was...