
  • Аманат

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Rauf Kubayev, Anton Sivers   编剧:Shamil Djafarov, Rauf Kubayev, Amet Magomedov, Anton Sivers

    主演:Amin Khuratov, Varvara Komarova, Vladislava Konovalova, Stanislav Kontsevich, 维塔利·科瓦连科, Fyodor Lavrov, 阿尔斯兰·穆尔扎别科夫, 丹尼尔·斯特拉霍夫, Patimat Abasova, Nabi Akhmedov, Vladimir Badov, Sergei Byzgu, Patimat Davidova, Roman Evdokimov, Andrey Fomin, Nina Gizbrekht, 叶卡捷琳娜·古谢娃, Azamat Guseynov, Bodavi Isupov


  • 列车

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:尹哲   编剧:

    主演:保剑锋, 余男, 洪天照, 黄奕, 冯远征, 许亚军, 闫妮, 斯琴高娃, 王姬


  • 人类本质的内在记录:理解沃纳·赫尔佐格 The Inner Chronicle of What We Are – Understanding Werner Herzog


    导演:LSOO   编剧:LSOO


      In this extensive review of the work of Werner Herzog, I examine the philosophy beneath his unique approach to filmmaking, and explore the significance of the many stories he brought home from faraway lands.
      Paul Cronin – Herzog on Herzog
      Roger Ebert – A Letter to Werner Herzog
      With the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union

  • The Captive


    导演:阿托姆·伊戈扬   编剧:阿托姆·伊戈扬, David Fraser

    主演:艾丹·什普利, Ian Matthews, 克里斯汀·霍恩, 威廉·麦克唐纳, 瑞安·雷诺兹, 斯科特·斯比德曼, 罗莎里奥·道森, 米瑞·伊诺丝, 凯文·杜兰, 艾莉克希娅·法斯特, 佩顿·肯迪尼, 布鲁斯·格林伍德, 布兰登·盖尔, 亚伦·普尔, 贾森·布利克


  • 大国


    导演:刘军卫, 程方正   编剧:刘军卫, 任志勋, 程方正, 伊茂凡, 刘思嘉, 金灵, 杨跃强, 李唯一, 屈楚, 云扎布



  • 神经 Nerven


    导演:罗伯特·莱纳特   编剧:罗伯特·莱纳特

    主演:爱德华·冯·温特施泰因, Lia Borré, 埃尔娜·莫雷纳, Paul Bender, Lili Dominici, Rio Ellbon, Margarete Tondeur, Paul Burgen

      在《神经》中,编剧、导演和制片人罗伯特-莱纳特试图捕捉战争和苦难造成的 '神经流行病',这种流行病 '让人发疯'。这部描绘 1919 年德国生活的独特影片在慕尼黑取景拍摄,描述了社会各阶层不同人群的案例: 在灾难和社会动荡中失去理智的工厂主罗洛夫、成为群众英雄的教师约翰和变成激进革命者的玛尔亚。慕尼黑电影博物馆利用不同的片段,重现了这部被遗忘的德国经典影片,它是一部历史文献,并预示了 20 世纪 20 年代表现主义电影的元素。

      In Nerven, writer-director-producer Robert Reinert tried to capture the 'nervous epidemic' caused by war and misery which 'drives people mad'. This unique portrait of the life in 1919 Germany, filmed on location in Munich, describes the cases of different people from all levels of society: Factory owner Roloff who looses his mind in view of catastrophies and social disturbances, teacher John who is the hero of the masses and Marja who turns into a radical revolutionary. Using different fragments the Munich Film Museum could reconstruct this forgotten German classic which is a historic document and anticipates already elements of the Expressionist cinema of the 1920s.
      Having a more complete version of Nerven available is a wonderful contribution to our understanding of film history. The standard version was known to very few students of cinema, and though it was impressive, it was somewhat incoherent. We are still lacking a lot of footage, but Stefan Droessler and his team have added what they could and arranged the sequences into a more intelligible order. The quality of the restoration, moreover, makes the film's visual style even more vivid and unsettling.
      Released shortly before The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nerven ought to have entered the Expressionist canon. Its themes echo the movement's post-Romantic attack on capitalism and the modern conception of the anguished soul. Its narrative plays out the implications of such icons of Expressionist art as convulsive crowds and men's homicidal urges toward women. Just as important, the film's pictorial design finds an original way to convey the tale's emotional tenor, the sense of nervous anxiety strung ever tighter. Significantly, Reinert achieves a unique look without recourse to the painted sets of Caligari, but through a unique use of other cinematic resources.

  • 们 Hostages


    导演:列佐·吉吉涅什维利   编剧:Lasha Bugadze, 列佐·吉吉涅什维利

    主演:阿福坦迪尔·马哈拉泽, 伊拉克利·柯维利卡泽, 蒂娜婷·达拉齐施维利, 梅拉布·尼尼泽, Darejan Kharshiladze


  • Szürke senkik

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:István Kovács   编剧:Norbert Köbli

    主演:Zsolt Trill, Jozsef Kovacs, László Keszég


  • 神秘人


    导演:邵警辉   编剧:赵小赵

    主演:刘小锋, 黄曼, 周牧茵, 宁晓志, 程煜, 陶慧敏, 郝率, 赵荀, 杨舒

      故事发生在解放战争时期。我党特工燕文川(刘小锋 饰)带秘密任务座火车赶赴老家江城,岂料刚刚到家,一场突如其来的劫难让他陷入国共两党斗争的漩涡。由于燕文川直属中共上层领导,江城的地下党组织并不知道他的身份,所以将他暂时扣押,把他交给留苏归来的女干部窦婉茹(黄曼 饰)处理。窦假扮保姆进入燕家,密切注视着燕文川的举动,但老牌特工燕文川怎么会看不出其中端倪,他以不变应万变,而性格冲动的婉茹则常自露马脚。江城军统头子陈恭如(宁晓志 饰)赏识燕文川的才干,在娄海平(任柯诺 饰)引荐下,将燕招入麾下。从此,燕文川开始了与敌人和自已人之间的神秘周旋......

  • 暗物 Dark Matter


    导演:陈士争   编剧:Billy Shebar

    主演:刘烨, 梅丽尔·斯特里普, 艾丹·奎因, 钱熠
