
  • 乃木坂46纪录片:忘记悲伤的 悲しみの忘れ Documentary of 乃木坂46


    导演:丸山健志   编剧:

    主演:中田花奈, 中元日芽香, 永島聖羅, 西野七濑, 能条爱未, 桥本奈奈未, 樋口日奈, 深川麻衣, 星野南, 堀未央奈, 北野日奈子, 松村沙友理, 斋藤飞鸟, 山崎怜奈, 斎藤ちはる, 若月佑美, 斉藤優里, 渡辺みり愛, 相楽伊織, 和田まあや, 樱井玲香, 松井玲奈, 佐々木琴子, 白石麻衣, 新内眞衣, 鈴木絢音, 秋元真夏, 生田绘梨花, 生驹里奈, 伊藤かりん, 伊藤純奈, 伊藤万理华, 井上小百合, 卫藤美彩, 川後陽菜, 川村真洋, 高山一实, 寺田蘭世


  • 日莲擎天大师 日蓮と蒙古大襲


    导演:渡边邦男   编剧:渡边邦男, 八寻不二

    主演:长谷川一夫, 市川雷藏, 胜新太郎, 淡岛千景, 志村乔


  • 熟春夫妇——活完一百岁的 お終活 熟春!人生、百年時代の過ごし


    导演:香月秀之   编剧:香月秀之

    主演:水野胜, 桥爪功, 高畑淳子, 松下由树, 刚力彩芽


  • 大卫·林奇:以电影作为治疗 David Lynch: Movies as Therapy


    导演:The Discarded Image   编剧:The Discarded Image, Julian Palmer, Manuela Lazic

    主演:The Discarded Image

      In this video essay, Julian Palmer and Manuela Lazic look at the films of David Lynch and explore how the director uses his films as a form of therapy. They cycle through the bulk of his career, including Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive.
      Co-written by manilazic.com, in association with caexist...

  • 国人吃起有多美味 Como Era Gostoso o Meu Francês

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:内尔森·帕雷拉·德桑托斯   编剧:内尔森·帕雷拉·德桑托斯, 温伯托·莫罗

    主演:Gabriel Araújo, Gabriel Archanjo, Ana Batista


  • 停止:停不下的囤积狂 Can't Stop, Won't Stop: Hoarding


    导演:Nick Aarons   编剧:


  • 辩证可否用碎大石? La Dialectique peut-elle casser des briques ?

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:魏延年   编剧:

    主演:Chan Hung Liu, 吴冠英, 白彪

      In 1972/73, sinologist & situationist René Viénet bought the rights to Tú Guāngqǐ's 1972 martial-arts movie Crush. Creative subtitling turned it into a burlesque comedy about daft French Maoists and street-smart Anarcho-Syndicalists. It became an instant success on its very limited first run. Then, a second version was made: the film was dubbed using the dialogues Viénet wrote ...

  • 师归:双面艾利克斯 The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Todd J. Greenwald   编剧:

    主演:赛琳娜·戈麦斯, 杰克·T·奥斯汀, 詹尼弗·斯通, 玛丽亚·卡纳尔斯-巴雷拉, 格雷格·萨克因, 博·米尔乔夫, 大卫·德路易斯


  • 艺术自喙的生长式 Kunst kommt aus dem Schnabel wie er gewachsen ist


    导演:Sabine Herpich   编剧:

    主演:Gabriele Beer, Adolf Beutler, Till Kalischer, Nina Pfannenstiel, Suzy van Zehlendorf

      At the Mosaik art studio in Berlin, artists with disabilities are absorbed in their work. Sabine Herpich observes the artists in the course of creation and directs her gaze at the institution itself: its processes, staff and spaces. The film succeeds in maintaining its focus on the art itself rather than the handicaps of its creators. It is around these works that the instituti...

  • 寻找治愈埃博拉病毒的 BBC Horizon: Ebola - The Search for a Cure


    导演:Guy Smith   编剧:BBC

    主演:Caroline Catz

      The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists and doctors from all around the world looking for the cure and hears first-hand accounts of what it's actually like to catch - and survive - this terrible disease.