
  • 瑞奇·斯坦尼克 Ricky Stanicky


    导演:彼得·法雷里   编剧:Jeffrey Bushell, Jason Decker, 彼得·法雷里, Jim Freeman, Brian Jarvis, David Occhino, 史蒂夫·欧德科克

    主演:扎克·埃夫隆, 约翰·塞纳, 威廉姆·H·梅西, 安雅·萨维奇, 安德鲁·桑提诺, 杰梅因·福勒, 莱克·科特·戴维

      For years, three lifelong friends have used an invented character named Ricky Stanicky to get out of sticky situation. When their wives demand a meeting with Ricky, the friends hire an actor to portray him.

  • 亚 タイタニア

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:石黑升, 伊藤浩二, 三家本泰美, 安藤健, 又野弘道, 中野英明, 山口赖房, 新田义方, 玉田博, 田中智也   编剧:田中芳树, 金卷兼一, 川崎裕之, 岸间信明, 山下宪一, 铃木雅词

    主演:草尾毅, 岸尾大辅, 小西克幸, 近藤隆, 吉野裕行, 武虎, 名冢佳织, 三宅健太, 堀内贤雄, 神谷浩史, 斧笃, 大原崇


  • Destan

    类型:历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Fethi Bayram, Metin Günay   编剧:Nehir Erdem, Ayse Ferda Eryilmaz

    主演:德兹·图鲁齐, 埃布鲁·沙欣, Elif Dogan, Buse Meral, 伊佩克·卡拉皮纳尔, Müge Duygun


  • 利 Stanley

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:苏西•邓普顿   编剧:苏西•邓普顿


      这是一个听起来就相当荒诞的故事,而 Suzie Templeton 把它处理得很严肃,也许你不会觉得它很荒唐。与“Dog”一样, Suzie Templeton 把“Stanley”中的细节都做得非常细腻,你会看到那个男人有个如何粗暴的妻子,以及他对卷心菜特殊的感情……

  • 克号 Titanic

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Werner Klingler, 赫伯特·塞尔平   编剧:赫伯特·塞尔平, Walter Zerlett-Olfenius

    主演:西比·施米茨, 汉·尔森, Kirsten Heiberg

      Third Reich's Nazi propaganda epic about a heroic fictional German officer on board of the RMS Titanic. On its maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable ship hits an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and starts to go down.

  • 特 Ménilmontant


    导演:迪米特里·凯萨诺夫   编剧:迪米特里·凯萨诺夫

    主演:Nadia Sibirskaïa

      Dimitri Kirsanoff's film centers on two young country girls who flee to the city after their parents are brutally murdered (we are given very few details as to who did this or why). The film's narrative is very sketchy, as there are no intertitles, and the two girls have similar features and are dressed similarly throughout most of the film. One of the girls, played by the wond...

  • 媒体 Mediastan


    导演:Johannes Wahlstrom   编剧:朱利安·阿桑奇, Katerina Suvorova

    主演:朱利安·阿桑奇, Vladimir Gubanov, Sultanbek Joumagulov

      In May 2010 US army analyst Private Manning was arrested in Iraq on suspicion of having passed state secrets to the online publisher WikiLeaks. Manning was accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of diplomatic and military documents.
      Shortly thereafter a small group of journalists made their way through Central Asia interviewing editors. Their real goal: to find local media ou...

  • ·李 Stan Lee

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:大卫·贾柏   编剧:


      当您想到推动漫画艺术向前发展的艺术家时,您可能会想到·李(Stan Lee)。 当这位漫威漫画的梦想家于2018年11月去世时,他留下了传奇般的遗产和流行文化中一些最具标志性的人物。

  • 爱因 Einstein

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Philip Shane   编剧:Philip Shane, David Baum, Frank Koughan

    主演:Albert Einstein, 加来道雄, Ted Marcoux

      This is the extraordinary story of Albert Einstein and his decades-long battle to prove his Theory of General Relativity amid the violence of war and his tumultuous personal life.
      For centuries, Isaac Newton s Law of Gravity stood untouched. But in 1915, Einstein attacked Newton with a mind-boggling theory: Gravity is not pulling you down ... instead, massive bodies like the Su...

  • 青春 Youngistaan

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:赛义德·艾哈迈德·阿夫扎尔   编剧:拉米兹.伊尔哈姆汗, 赛义德·艾哈迈德·阿夫扎尔

    主演:杰奇·巴格纳, 妮哈.沙尔玛, Farooq Shaikh, 博曼·伊拉, Kayoze Irani, Mita Vasisht
