
  • 乡村护士艾曼纽 L'Infermiera di campagna


    导演:马里奥·比安奇   编剧:路易吉·佩特里尼

    主演:劳拉·贾姆瑟, 加布里埃莱·丁蒂, Candi López, 阿尔多·桑布雷利, Roberto Gallozzi

      《乡村护士艾曼纽 L'Infermiera di campagna》是由马里奥·比安奇执导,劳拉·贾姆瑟、Tony Raggetti主演的喜剧片。该片讲述了护士艾曼纽来到意大利的小村庄时,造成巨大骚动的故事。

      When Emanuelle (Gemser) arrives in the small Italian village heads start turning and eyes start popping. All males in the town are falling all over themselves trying to get a look (or a feel) of the new doctor. One in particular is the fiancee of the mayor's daughter. A kind of 'Hatfield's and McCoy's' feud with a political twist has been going on and the young lovers' families are, unfortunately, on opposite sides. Emanuelle's shower becomes the target of a gang of voyeurs, including the pillars of the community. She uses it as a stage to taunt the watchers to charge into her apartment on the notion that she is showering with the mayor's daughter's fiancee. Instead of what they expected, they find the two young lovers in bed. Can Emanuelle shame them into allowing the marriage that they had been preventing?

  • 勇敢的护士 The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:John Kent Harrison   编剧:John Kent Harrison, Larry Spagnola

    主演:安娜·帕奎因, 马西娅·盖伊·哈登, 高兰·维斯耶克, 内森奈尔·帕克

      电影描述在二战期间,波兰护士与地下工作者Irena Sendler,利用职务之便出入犹太人管制区,将2500个犹太儿童偷渡出境的故事。

  • 疯狂军院俏护士 L'infermiera nella corsia dei militari


    导演:Mariano Laurenti   编剧:Francesco Milizia

    主演:卡门·鲁索, 娜蒂娅·卡茜妮, 利诺·班菲, 保罗·朱斯蒂, 卡琳·舒伯特, Elio Zamuto, Carlo Sposito, Renato Cortesi, Marcello Martana, Gino Pagnani, Ermelinda De Felice, Enzo Andronico

      A story about a singer/showgirl who poses as a nurse to find some stolen paintings, which have been hidden in a military insane asylum.

  • 恋爱中的年轻护士 Young Nurses in Love


    导演:查克·文森特   编剧:Craig Horrall, 查克·文森特

    主演:Jeanne Marie, Alan Fisler, 维罗妮卡·哈特, 杰米·吉利斯, Harvey Siegel, 詹妮弗·德罗拉, John Altamura, 贝斯·布罗德里克, 丹尼尔查普曼, 大卫·汉默, 安妮·斯普林克尔


  • 实习护士 Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7

    类型:剧情片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:拉里·肖   编剧:

    主演:林赛·瓦格纳, 罗伯特·劳吉亚, 大卫·科列侬

      A couple of student nurses decide to join some doctors to work in a medical station in the rain-forest a few hours flying-time from the Mexican town Catamaco. As they fly from Catamaco towards the clinic (which actually consists of just a few huts and almost none equipment) one of their three planes has to go down because of engine malfunction. It crashes somewhere in the jungl...

  • 夜班护士罗西迪克森 Rosie Dixon - Night Nurse


    导演:Justin Cartwright   编剧:克里斯托弗·伍德

    主演:Debbie Ash, Carolyne Argyle, 约翰·勒·梅苏里尔

      Young Rosie Dixon starts her nurse training at St Adelaide's Hospital, but the student doctors and randy male patients just can't keep their hands off her.

  • 疯狂痴汉俏护士 The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:阿瑟·希勒   编剧:Daryl Henry

    主演:蒂姆斯·伯特姆斯, 芭芭拉·赫希, 乔治·马歇尔

  • 护士夏子的热情夏天 ナース夏子の熱い夏

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:東ヨーイチ   编剧:東ヨーイチ

    主演:愛奏, 里見瑶子

      单身青年一树(川瀬陽太 饰)和大自己两岁和代(里見瑤子 饰)的结为夫妇,凭借妻子的帮助他成为一名出版社的销售员,夫妻二人虽然没有什么感情基础,生活倒也波澜不惊。某天,和代因车祸住院,一树在探病时邂逅了护士日比野夏子(爱奏 饰)。夏子身上有着现代女性少见的温柔,一树对她甚为着迷,于是假借写书搜集素材的名义约见夏子。这个恬静的女子有着敏锐的观察力,她如何不知道一树的心思,短暂的接触过后二人终于僭越了伦理的界限。不久,和代伤愈出院,一树和夏子的交往也告一段落,而夏子自那天开始也仿佛消失了一般……

  • 航 L.Escorte


    导演:Denis Langlois   编剧:

    主演:Paul-Antoine Taillefer, Eric Cabana, Robin Aubert

      Caution--- While this review does not include any "spoilers", it does divulge some early elements of the plot ---
      Philippe is a gay man pushing 30 who is living with slightly older Jean-Marc, his lover of seven years. The movie opens after the failure of their restaurant. We are at a small party that Jean-Marc and Philippe are giving. We soon learn that Philippe's long time fri...

  • 类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:刘育伶, 徐天节

    主演:丫宝宝, 笛子, 墨涵
