
  • 老爸 Un jour, mon père viendra


    导演:Martin Valente   编剧:Martin Valente, Gianguido Spinelli

    主演:吉米·巴姆博, 弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂, 热拉尔·朱尼奥, 奥利维娅·鲁兹

      法国2012年Martin Valente执导的电影《老爸》是由热拉尔·朱尼奥、弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂主演的喜剧片。

  • 丈夫吴作斗 데릴남편 오작두

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:白浩民   编剧:刘允京

    主演:薛正焕, 金康宇, 金幽珍, 郑尚勋, 韩善花, 朴正淑, 郑灿, 韩相镇, 吴美燕, 方银姬, 郑秀英, 金甫美


  • 当互怼爱你 門當互懟愛

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:蔡东文, 刘建律   编剧:咖啡因, 郭世纬

    主演:林艾璇, 连晨翔, 杨子仪, 检场, 谢琼煖, 樊光耀, 况明洁


  • 的黄油 Butter on the Latch

    类型:剧情片电影, 恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:约瑟芬·戴克   编剧:约瑟芬·戴克


      At a Balkan folk song and dance camp in the woods of Mendocino, California, Sarah reunites with her old friend Isolde and with a song she learned years before about dragons who entwine themselves in women's hair and carry them off through the forest, burning it as they go. When Sarah pursues a romance with a new camper Steph, the nights of sensual secrets and singing with Isold...

  • 捷克伙伴:寻伊日·泽尔 CzechMate: In Search of Jirí Menzel


    导演:施云德拉·塞恩·邓加佩   编剧:施云德拉·塞恩·邓加佩

    主演:伊日·泽尔, 米洛斯·福尔曼, 朱拉·亚库比斯克, 杜桑·哈那克

      CzechMate - in Search of Jiri Menzel directed by Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, is an in-depth exploration of the work of renowned Czech director Jiri Menzel and the Czech New Wave.

  • 活动照片映馆口 Vienne, Entrée du cinématographe


    导演:查理·莫里森   编剧:


  • 乐队:火之舞 The Doors: Dance on Fire

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:雷·曼札克   编剧:

    主演:雷·曼札克, 吉姆·莫里森, 罗比·克雷格, 约翰·登斯默

      Former Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek compiled and directed this video, which brings together a number of television performances and vintage promotional films of Jim Morrison and the group along with footage of the Doors in concert and previously unseen film of the band at work in the studio. Manzarek also directed a new video for the song L.A. Woman, which is included in this...

  • 最后的 最後のドアを閉めろ!

    类型:动画片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:絵コンテ   编剧:

    主演:铃村健一, 森川智之, 远近孝一

    晕头转向的他在街偶然遇见了贤三(森川智之 配音),面对这个可怜的男人,贤三只得将他带到附近的旅馆中休息。接着酒劲儿,永井和贤三接吻了,两人的不解之缘就此展开。

  • 的女教师 扉を閉めた女教師


    导演:城定秀夫   编剧:城定秀夫

    主演:山岸逢花, 吉田タケシ, 細川佳央, 佐仓萌, 饭岛大介


  • 寻羊冒险记-寻春树 A Wild Sheep Chase - In Search of Haruki Murakami


    导演:Rupert Edwards   编剧:


      In this impressionistic film, Alan Yentob travels in Japan through the strange, labyrinthine landscape of Murakami's fiction on a jazz-fuelled 'wild sheep chase' of a journey. In Tokyo and Kobe he delves into the social and political background of Murakami's work and encounters his fans, critics, translators and a talking cat.
      A Wild Sheep Chase: In Sear...