
  • 怪兽瓦蓝 Varan the Unbelievable

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Jerry A. Baerwitz, Ishirô Honda   编剧:


      In an effort to find an economic means of purifying salt water, a joint U.S.-Japanese military command is set up on an isolated Japanese island where an unusual salt water lake is situated. However, their purifying experiments arouse the prehistoric monster Obaki from hibernation at the lake's bottom, and it proceeds to attack Japan.

  • 惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン

    类型:科幻片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:粟津順   编剧:粟津順

    主演:清水大, 笹原琢磨, 湯本あかね

      It is the near future, in the 100th year of Showa (year 2025). The population of world is more than 10 billion, and a world-class space development project called “Mars Terraforming Project” is in process. One day, a spaceship “Izanami” crashes in Japan on the way from Mars, and it revives the monster Negadon, which was captured by the spaceship. Can the human race knock down t...

  • 幻之大怪兽阿贡 幻の大怪獣 アゴン


    导演:峯徳夫, 大橋史典   编剧:関沢新一, 内田弘三

    主演:広田進司, 松本朝夫, 志摩靖彦, 沢明美, 東悦次

      Agon was a short-lived series in Japan, Agon being yet another giant monster who smashes buildings and leaves destruction all over. But this one is a lot of fun, the action starts pretty early and the monster destroys all the miniature buildings and sets with a lot of enthusiasm. I have it in the original Japanese language form, and it doesn't make a difference as you just wann...

  • 奥特怪兽大图鉴 ウルトラ怪獣大図鑑


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:毒蝮三太夫, 赤木优

  • 小黄人和怪兽 Minions & Monsters

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:杰德·迪凡德福, Chloe Lesueur   编剧:杰德·迪凡德福


      Laundry day goes cosplay when a Minion noob gets a seat at the table of some pro-role-playing gamers. Starting as a punching bag for monsters and punchline for peers, his perseverance unlocks bardacious skills just in time to save the day.

  • 百变马丁:怪兽大作战


    导演:张天晓   编剧:孙平

    主演:姚培华, 秦紫翼, 刘方芳, 童自荣


  • 原子怪兽 The Beast from 20000 Fathoms

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:欧仁·卢里耶   编剧:雷·布拉德伯里, 弗雷德·弗雷伯格

    主演:保罗·霍布施米特, 宝拉·雷蒙德, 塞西尔·凯拉威, 肯尼斯·托比, 唐纳德·伍兹


  • 哥斯拉之怪兽大战争 怪獣大戦争

    类型:动作片电影, 爱情片电影, 科幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:本多猪四郎   编剧:関沢新一

    主演:宝田明, 尼克·亚当斯, 田崎润, 久保明, 水野久美, 泽井桂子, 土屋嘉男


  • 迪兰·莫兰:怪兽 Dylan Moran: Monster


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Dylan Moran

      16岁辍学,当过酒鬼诗人和花匠。20岁时观看Ardal O'Hanlon等人表演的激发下,登上一个能容纳50名观众的小剧场舞台开始了单口相声的表演生涯。24岁时,莫兰成为了著名的爱丁堡艺术节皮雷喜剧奖(Perrier Comedy Award)有史以来最年轻的获奖者。之后开始接拍影视剧之后,迪兰也没有放弃自己的舞台表演生涯。他在2007年被英国Channel 4评为“百位最伟大的单口相声表演者”第17名,2010年上升至14名。他还曾被法国的《世界报》誉为“有史以来诞生的最伟大的喜剧演员”。

      No music reviewer would make a career writing about pianists solely from repeated performances of a single concerto, nor any pianist out of playing just the one piece. Yet sometimes writing about stand-up comedians can feel worryingly like this. They all hit more or less the same notes: London... young people... children and parenthood... today's dreadful music... religion... growing up in Ireland (obviously not every comic includes this movement, though sometimes it feels like it)... finishing off with differences between men and women, usually with reference to naughty bits and/or naughty business. The difference lies in the phrasing, the flourishes, the individual expression brought to the work by the performer.   Dylan Moran, appearing for seven nights at the West End's Palace Theatre while it spends the summer between blockbuster musicals, plays the standard concerto. It's in the phrasing that his skill resides. His slurred, bellowing delivery and shambling, half-cut persona (although in almost two hours he put away perhaps a third of a glass of white wine) are no longer as novel as they once were, but they belie a greater than average discipline in his material.
      Moran certainly has a gift for the surreal image and the unexpected adjective, but his spontaneous flights of fancy are brief and a little diffident. He prefers to hone his phrases and seems to script them quite tightly; like a snooker player, he can control exactly the angle at which the ball will come off the back cushion. At times he simply sounds like an early-middle-aged grouch, berating young people for 'texting each other because they've given up on speech', but when he stretches out and lets fly with his magnificent vocabulary, he's in a different league. He can use a near-nonsense word like 'quadrangulate' meaningfully, or wonder about Ann Widdecombe's voice, 'How do you get that many fingernails on one blackboard?' Sometimes the word-images work through bizarreness, sometimes they're simply there to add colour or emphasis in unexpected ways: a granny mentioned in passing is so much less prosaic when she's an emphysemic granny. And the mere phrase 'fellating a Smurf' is as euphonious as the image it evokes is disconcerting.
      Moran's growing film and TV career are vying with his live work for supremacy now, and indeed he's slightly less appealing a performer on stage than one might expect. But the words, oh, the words...!
      Written for the Financial Times.

  • 火山湖怪兽 The Crater Lake Monster

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:William R. Stromberg   编剧:William R. Stromberg, Richard Cardella

    主演:Richard Cardella, Glen Roberts, 马克·西格尔, Bob Hyman, Richard Garrison, Kacey Cobb, Michael F. Hoover

      A meteor that crashed into Oregon's Crater Lake unearths a dinosaur egg. The heat from the meteor causes the egg to hatch, and the emerging dinosaur takes to snacking on the locals.