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    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:尤小刚, 陶玲玲   编剧:李晓明

    主演:刘德凯, 邬倩倩, 寇振海, 潘仪君, 张双利, 石筱群, 姬晨牧, 孙强, 叶霖


  • 类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:尤小刚, 陶玲玲   编剧:李晓明

    主演:刘小微, 杨曼琴, 王同辉, 陈丽霞, 马岩松, 王紫薇, 宋元甫, 孙嘉谦, 刘德凯, 何琳, 邬倩倩, 翁家明, 俞小凡, 孙兴, 金巧巧, 武利平, 孙皓, 刘艺, 保剑锋

      夏中林(刘德凯 饰)和顾立伟(翁家明 饰)同时爱上了美丽的女孩安慧(邬倩倩 饰),最终,安慧选择了夏中林。一晃眼二十年过去,夏中林成为了集团董事长,而顾立伟只是他手下不起眼的一个小小部下。曾经,为了和安慧在一起,夏中林抛弃了恋人郝丽华(俞小凡 饰),可彼时她的腹中已经怀上了夏中林的孩子。
      为了给孩子找一个父亲,郝丽华嫁给了一直在追求她的白子强(孙兴 饰),生下了女儿郝佳(何琳 饰),然而郝丽华自始至终对白子强都没有半点感情,她揭发了丈夫在经商中使用的违法手段,令白子强被捕入狱。那边厢,安慧和夏中林的感情并非一帆风顺,在失落和孤独之中,安慧和顾立伟之间开始产生了不伦的感情。

  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:王引   编剧:王引

    主演:袁美云, 平原, 王斑


  • Desiderio


    导演:马塞洛·巴格利埃罗, 罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:Rosario Leone, 朱塞佩·德桑蒂斯, 罗伯托·罗西里尼, Diego Calcagno, 马塞洛·巴格利埃罗, Guglielmo Santangelo, Anna Benevuti

    主演:马西莫·吉洛蒂, 卡尔洛·尼奇, Elli Parvo, Roswita Schmidt, 莉娅·科雷利, 弗朗切斯科·格朗雅克特, Jucci Kellerman, Spartaco Conversi, Giovanna Scotto, Astorre Pederzoli, Tito Rinaldi

      Released in the United States in the early 50's under the title of WOMAN, this obscure early Rossellini film was made at the end of the war and completed by Marcello Pagliero. It is a sensational little tragedy about a prostitute who returns from the city to her home town where she is variously loved, spurned, and lusted over. The grim, fatalistic atmosphere bears a good deal o...

  • Désiré


    导演:萨卡·圭特瑞   编剧:萨卡·圭特瑞

    主演:萨卡·圭特瑞, 雅克琳·德吕巴克, Jacques Baumer, 波利娜·卡尔东, 萨蒂南·法布尔, 阿莱蒂

      Shavian social satire. Odette is an actress who's now the mistress of a government minister. Her household of cook, maid, and chauffeur needs a valet. On the eve of going with the minister to Deauville, she engages Désiré, a robust and talkative man, even through his most recent employer, a countess, intimates improprieties. Things go well for a short time: the wealthy talk abo...

  • eROTik


    导演:Domiziano Cristopharo   编剧:Levent Kaya

    主演:Simone Avincola, Adam Western

      A loner madman necrophile, with also the passion of the ancient Egypt culture, start to mummifies the bodies of young victims to satisfy his desire for love and sex

  • 类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:刘柯伶, 路丰硕   编剧:刘柯伶, 路丰硕



  • Deseo

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Antonio Zavala Kugler   编剧:Antonio Zavala Kugler, Arthur Schnitzler

    主演:Josie Agnessi, Christian Bach, Ari Borovoy

      Humorous succession of erotic encounters weaved into a daisy chain of delightful sensuality. DESEO is a modern-day adaptation of Reigen (La Ronde), the controversial stage-play by the celebrated XIX century Austrian playwright, Arthur Schnitzler.

  • Jungle 慾Jungle

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:黄炳   编剧:黃炳


      Jungle of desire is the core video work of my first solo exhibition in Hong Kong Sept 2015.
      An impotent husband, an unsatisfied wife and a megalomaniac policeman. A perfect ecosystem in the concrete jungle. The jungle where you can truly face your lust with no moral laws.
      Inspired by true stories: prostitutes thrilled by the undercover police to provide free sexual service is h...

  • 天使的 天使の


    导演:关本郁夫   编剧:中岛丈博

    主演:东照美, 三崎奈美, 吉泽健, 结城忍, Shôko Ariake, Toshizô Kudô, Akira Shiomi, Kôzô Murao, Hanjirô Nakazawa, Tadashi Takatsuki, 章文栄, 佐佐木澄江, 三上宽, 团岩
