
  • 电器 Eletrodoméstica


    导演:小克莱伯·门多萨   编剧:小克莱伯·门多萨

    主演:Magdale Alves

      Middle-class family living in a house filled with superfluous electronic appliances see the arrival of a new item, a 29" TV-Set.

  • 九柑仔店

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:高炳权, 曾英庭   编剧:陈洁莹, 黄宣颖, 萧译玮

    主演:吴朋奉, 刘桂莲, 蔡明修, 林义雄, 王满娇, 姚以缇, 王净, 黄西田, 龙劭华, 蔡昌宪, 张轩睿, 莫允雯, 王柏杰, 林哲熹, 卢以恩, 苏品杰, 陈鼎中, 张克帆, 薛提萦, 吴碧莲, 钟政均, 班铁翔, 张文绮


  • 之声 허튼소리


    导演:金洙容   编剧:

    主演:郑栋焕, 李惠淑

  • 佐恩理 Zorn's Lemma


    导演:荷利斯·法朗普顿   编剧:

    主演:Rosemarie Castoro, Ginger Michels, Marcia Steinbrecher


  • 女神试


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:陈励莉, 庞洪, 李京哲


  • 保卫战 App

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Alexander Berman   编剧:Alexander Berman

    主演:Braden Lynch, Sara Sanderson, J.R.卡西亚, Ashley Lambert, 西拉·维克多, Brett Weinstock, Brandon Dunaway, 库珀·霍普金斯, Meredith Berg, Kylie Contreary, Tiffany Kimbrough

      Love is dumb. Now there's an app for that. A shy engineer desperately needs venture capital for his virtual wing woman app. Can he and his app seduce a heartbroken girl at a swanky LA bar to prove it works?

  • 感官吸力 Body Chemistry

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Kristine Peterson   编剧:Jackson Barr

    主演:Marc Singer, Lisa Pescia

  • 魔术 General Magic


    导演:莎拉·克鲁什, Matt Maude   编剧:莎拉·克鲁什, Jonathan Key


      Launching the first smartphone before 3G and Google even existed, General Magic is the company you've never heard who changed the world as we know it. Comprised of members of the original Mac team and the creators of iPhone, Android and eBay, this is the story of one of history's most talented teams and what happens when those who dream big, fail, fail again, fail better and ul...

  • 钱 L'argent de poche

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:弗朗索瓦·特吕弗 François Truffaut   编剧:弗朗索瓦·特吕弗, 苏珊·席夫曼

    主演:Michel Dissart, Michele Heyraud, Paul Heyraud, Jeanne Lobre, Vincent Touly, 让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南, 维尔日妮·泰弗内, 伊瓦·特吕弗特, Nicole Félix, Chantal Mercier, Tania Torrens, René Barnerias, Katy Carayon, Jean-Marie Carayon, Annie Chevaldonne, Francis Devlaeminck

      In the town of Thiers, summer of 1976, teachers and parents give their children skills, love, and attention. A teacher has his first child, a single mother hopes to meet Mr. Right, another mom reaches out to Patrick, a motherless lad who is just discovering the opposite sex. Patrick befriends Julien, a new student who lives in poverty with his mother and has a terrible secret. ...

  • 雷欧 Eating Raoul

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:保罗·巴特尔   编剧:保罗·巴特尔, 理查德·布莱克本

    主演:保罗·巴特尔, 玛丽·沃伦诺夫, 罗伯特·贝尔特兰
