
  • 南极学前


    导演:野心视频   编剧:

    主演:老极, 小猪, 辛巴


  • 爸妈学前

    类型:家庭片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:李林书   编剧:李鑫

    主演:周洲, 钟欣潼, 刘璇, 百克力, 张杨果而, 王弢, 章龄之, 赖弘国

      《爸妈学前班》是2018年由有养成长传媒和腾讯视频联合出品的中国首档父母成长观察实验,2018年10月11日起每周4上午10点在腾讯视频独播。钟欣潼&赖弘国,陈龙&章龄之,刘璇&王弢,百克力&张扬果而,四组星素结合的夫妇前往英国为父母教育展开求学之旅,通过纪实还原四组夫妇的相处模式来得出夫妻相处之道,将每个家庭都要遇到的难关以轻松幽默的方式展现在观众面前,让专家用最毒辣的眼光进行犀利点评,一针见血指出四组夫妇在生活中的误区,更有英国Norland College金牌育儿师坐镇,打破文化差异的壁垒,给予年轻夫妇最权威的指导。

  • BBC 地平线系列:扮演上帝——合成生物学前沿 BBC Horizon: Playing God


    导演:Matthew Dyas   编剧:Matthew Dyas

    主演:Adam Rutherford, Ed Boyden, Rob Carlson

      Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web.
      It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim: to break down nature into spare parts so that we can rebuild it however we please.
      This technology is already being used to m...

  • 危廉陣女子園【編】


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:奈之未夜, みろ, 留川真帆

      A girl named Maki, 17, picks up a fight and knocks down bad boys and girls in town. She, a born fighter, has mastered her own martial arts. She spends all her time fighting. One day one of those guys tells her to go to a female high school called Kirenji for real fights.[Episode 2] As soon as Maki steps into the school, girls challenges her. But she beats up all of them and mak...

  • 线:大公司 PBS Frontline College Inc


    导演:Chris Durrance, John Maggio   编剧:Martin Smith


      Frontline investigates for-profit colleges and universities. It examines their recruitment methods, their online curriculum, and connections to big business.
      The business of higher education is booming. It s a $400 billion industry fueled by taxpayer money. But what are students getting out of the deal? Critics say a worthless degree and a mountain of debt. Investors insist the...

  • 类型:真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:陈安立, 李敏


  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:柯金源   编剧:



  • ,向


    导演:杨军   编剧:马继红, 高军

    主演:施京明, 杜雨露, 古月


  • 地平线系列:一往无 Horizon: Alan and Marcus Go Forth and Multiply


    导演:Dan Walker   编剧:

    主演:马库斯·杜·桑托伊, 艾伦·戴维斯, Clare Elwell, Mark Oxborrow

      Ever since he was at school, actor and comedian Alan Davies has hated maths. And like many people, he is not much good at it either. But Alan has always had a sneaking suspicion that he was missing out.
      So, with the help of top mathematician Professor Marcus du Sautoy, Alan is going to embark on a maths odyssey. Together they visit the fourth dimension, cross the universe and e...

  • 类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:余伟国, 马克   编剧:

