
  • ! Up!

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:Russ Meyer   编剧:

    主演:Edward Schaaf, Janet Wood, Robert McLane

      This kicks off with the murder of one Adolf Schwartz (who bears a striking resemblance to another famous Adolf) by placing a ravenous piranha fish in his bathtub. Who did it? No-one knows or cares, as they're too busy being distracted by busty Margo Winchester, who hitch-hikes into# town and gets involved with all the local men. It all ends with a series of complicated plot twi...

  • 源 Arkhé

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影, 短片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Armando Navarro   编剧:Armando Navarro


      “Archeology” and “Archive” share the same roots. Both words come from “Arkhé”, the Greek word for “origin”. In the ruins of buildings, lost forever by earthquakes, as in the depth of the archives, we dig. These recordings have never been seen. Unedited images of the catastrophical earthquake that destroyed Mexico City in 1985. They were dug out by the adventure of an archivist ...

  • Together

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ryan Oksenberg   编剧:Ryan Oksenberg

    主演:Robert Bravo, Karin Collison, Clayton Farris, Arielle Hader, Jumarcus Mason, David Otten, Laura Schein, Autumn Shea, Mariko Van Kampen


  • 疾病的源 病の


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:樹木希林, 加藤武, 柄本明, 片岡鶴太郎, 渡辺えり, 村上弘明


  • 伟大的点 偉大的


    导演:张客   编剧:艾明之

    主演:张伐, 汤化达, 陈天国


  • 曼克顿 買曼克頓


    导演:黄志强   编剧:张志成, 杜国威

    主演:吴家丽, 雷自然, 陈军, Alana Jerins


  • 食之源 NHKスペシャル 食の


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:长濑智也, 松冈昌宏, 城岛茂, 国分太一, 常盘贵子

      NHK纪录片 食之源系列 用科学的手段探索不同食物对人体的作用和奥秘

  • 巴斯奎特:发图墙 Basquiat: Rage to Riches


    导演:David Shulman   编剧:

    主演:让-米歇尔·巴斯奎特, Bruno Bischofberger, Mary Boone, Bob Colacello, 塔拉·戴维斯

      在让-米歇尔-巴斯奇亚去世近 30 年后,这部关于他的纪录片详细介绍了这位出生于布鲁克林、自学成才的艺术家是如何跻身国际艺术市场的。
      Nearly 30 years after his death, this documentary film of Jean-Michel Basquiat details how the self-taught Brooklyn-born artist rose to be one of the greats on the international art marketplace.

  • 唐人街大斗 Big Fight in Little Chinatown


    导演:Karen Cho   编剧:


      With the devastating economic impact of the pandemic and city redevelopment, Chinatowns in New York, Montreal and Vancouver search for innovative ways and resistance to keep their communities thriving. With lush verité footage of bustling Lunar New Year celebrations and warm social gatherings, filmmaker Karen Cho celebrates the vibrance of Chinatown communities.

  • 爱就宅一 愛就宅一

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:林子平, 张映纶   编剧:林欣慧, 简奇峰, 齐锡麟

    主演:杨晴瑄, 柯淑勤, 徐薇, 叶蕙芝, 王希华, 沈时华, 姚黛玮, 蒋伟文, 范宗沛, 谢启文, 汪东城, 杨丞琳, 胡宇威, 廖语晴, 金勤, 包伟铭, 傅珮慈, 魏蔓, 王建隆, 林采薇, 黄万伯, 巴钰, 许玮甯

      人如其名的陈默默(杨丞琳 饰)是个存在感极其薄弱的人,比社交更喜欢在家待着;比谈恋爱,还是二次元的卡巴沙王子更帅气体贴。迷恋少女漫画里的异星球王子的默默是货真价实的宅女一枚。