
  • BBC 线:一度代表什么? Horizon:What Is One Degree?


    导演:Dan Clifton   编剧:Dan Clifton


      Horizon: Season 47, Episode 8

  • 线系列:干细胞的秘密 Horizon: Fix Me


    导演:   编剧:


      Horizon follows the emotional journey of three young people with currently untreatable conditions to see if within their lifetime, they can be cured.
      Sophie is desperate to discover if there's a medical breakthrough which will get her walking again - a car crash after celebrating her A level results left her paralysed from the waist down. Anthony's leg was amputated after a rug...

  • 线:认识癌症 Making Sense of Cancer with Hannah Fry


    导演:Hannah Fry   编剧:Hannah Fry

    主演:Hannah Fry

      Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she's diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to interrogate the way we diagnose and treat cancer by digging into the statistics to ask whether we are making the right choices in how we treat this disease. Are we sometimes too quick to screen and treat cance...

  • 线 Connected

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Nathan Brunskill   编剧:内森·布伦斯基尔

    主演:Michael Kirby, Dustin Varpness

      "Connected" is a about two lonesome people who find each other via a chance encounter on a subway train. They experience happiness in one another for a brief moment in their lives until circumstances out of their control rip them apart. However their paths may once again intersect down the line.

  • 罚球线


    导演:张逸兴   编剧:



  • 线


    导演:刘鸿泉   编剧:黎俊杰

    主演:梁家辉, 彭健新, 倪淑君

      表面上,火麒麟(彭建思 饰)是一个混迹街头整天无所事事的小混混,实际上,他的真实身份是替警方工作的线人。一次意外中,火麒麟得知了十分重要的情报,之后被丧心病狂的悍匪大丧所杀。

  • 线 Subarnarekha


    导演:李维克·伽塔克   编剧:Umanath Bhattacharya, 李维克·伽塔克, Radheshyam Jhunjhunwala

    主演:Kalpana Jana, Gopal Sanyal, Ranen Ray Choudhury, 贾哈尔·罗伊, Umanath Bhattacharya, Radha Govinda Ghosh, Bahurupi, Narayan Dhar, 马达比·慕克吉, Abhi Bhattacharya, Bijon Bhattacharya, Indrani Chakrabarty, Gita Dey, Tarun, Sikander Azam, Abanish Banerjee, Bhanu Ghosh, 希亚马尔·戈沙尔, Arun Chowdhury, Pitambar

      一名男子(Abhi Bhattacharya)反对他的姐姐和早年收养的孤儿(Satindra Bhattacharya)之间的爱情。

  • 线 アンテナ


    导演:熊切和嘉   编剧:熊切和嘉, 宇治田隆史

    主演:加濑亮, 小林明実, 木崎大輔, 大森博, 小市慢太郎, 宇崎龙童, 麻丘めぐみ

      15年前,荻原家的小女儿真利江(甲野優美 饰)神秘失踪,这令他们一家陷入深深的痛苦之中:哲学系研究生哥哥祐一郎(加瀬亮 饰)对自己的疏忽倍感自责;父亲祐作(大森博 饰)在儿子16岁那年病故;母亲房江(麻丘めぐみ 饰)醉心宗教,不问家事;作为真利江替代品生出来的儿子祐弥(木崎大輔 饰)精神方面则出现了问题。某天,一则关于囚禁少女的新闻在这个濒临崩溃的家中搅起波澜,房江相信那个女孩正是自己的女儿。祐一郎则在学术研究的过程中遭遇神秘的SM女王,从而开始审视埋在心中许久的罪恶感……

  • 生死线


    导演:梁家仁   编剧:何东

    主演:张耀扬, 锺淑慧, 尹扬明, 黄子扬, 吕晓丽, 承恩, 谢釆妘

  • 线 Bodyline

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Denny Lawrence, Lex Marinos, George Ogilvie, Carl Schultz   编剧:罗伯特·卡斯韦尔, 特里·海斯, Denny Lawrence

    主演:Gary Sweet, Hugo Weaving