
  • 吉布的森林冒险 Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen


    导演:拉斯斯·A·西韦特森   编剧:Karsten Fullu



  • 丹VS拉斯菲尔德 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:   编剧:Jonathan Mahler


      故事的主人公是一名名叫查尔斯·斯威夫特(Charles Swift)的海军律师,他和乔治敦大学法学教授尼尔·凯泰尔(Neal Katyal)是本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)司机兼保镖萨利·

  • 周六夜现场:乔恩·/蕾娜 Saturday Night Live Jon Hamm/Rihanna

    类型:喜剧片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:鲍比·莫尼汉, 保罗·布里顿, 塔兰·, 纳西·帕杜雷德, 杰·费罗尔, 唐·帕尔多, 大卫·斯佩德, 科林·乔斯特, 乔恩·, 蕾娜, 克里斯汀·韦格, 弗莱德·阿米森, 塞斯·梅耶斯,

      第36季第5集 副总统拜登发表电视讲话,主题是下周的选举还有智利被困的矿工们....本期主持Jon Hamm,Jon称他在演了《广告狂人》之后,走在路上也会不自觉为一些商品想广告语,于是他向现场观众展示了他的编广告语才华....DIGITAL SHORT里Rihanna和Andy扮演的shy ronnie一起去抢银行....Vincent Price的1960万圣节特辑上,影星Judy Garland、约翰·肯尼迪来到了现场...《回到未来》25周年纪念DVD里,你将见到许多大明星珍贵的试镜片段...Kristen和Jon来到片场为新角色试镜,他们告诉导演他们演戏的底线....本期音乐嘉宾Rihanna。

  • 特之怒 GENESIS 神撃のバハムート GENESIS

    类型:动画片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:佐藤敬一, 若林厚史, 小林宽, 松见真一, 井端义秀, 黑川智之, 山下明彦, 武藤健司, 猪狩崇   编剧:长谷川圭一, 赤星政尚, 谷崎晃

    主演:藤村步, 苍井翔太, 辻步美, 大关英里, 玄田哲章, 津田健次郎, 樱井孝宏, 大友龙三郎, 吉野裕行, 井上刚, 清水理沙, 泽城美雪, 潘惠美, 平田广明, 岩崎博, 森久保祥太郎, 森田成一, 喜多村英梨, 小山刚志


  • 杰夫·敦:混乱特工 Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos


    导演:Michael Simon   编剧:Jeff Dunham

    主演:Jeff Dunham

      Ventriloquist and comic Jeff Dunham takes to the stage to provide fresh comedic material with his classic puppets Walter, Peanut, Jose Jalape?o and Achmed, as well as with two never-before-seen characters with their own unique quirks.
      Jeff Dunham is back in his much-anticipated fourth concert event, will all-new material and unparalleled comedy that surpasses his record-breakin...

  • 伦·法罗:反影像 Harun Farocki: The Counter-Image

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Kevin B. Lee   编剧:Kevin B. Lee


      This desktop investigation asks: how can one begin to learn about Farocki? Starting with a naive search for his name online, this film scans over his body of work and asks how one should begin to watch it. By using different methods to make sense of Farocki's images, a key concept emerges: the counter-image.

  • :扭曲的道德 Noam Chomsky: Distorted Morality


    导演:约翰·强克曼   编剧:


      Noam Chomsky is that dry, factual, intellectual that you probably fell asleep listening to in your college classes. However, if you eve n begin to listen to what he is saying, you'll suddenly become angry, scared or saddened and be drawn to listen further. Unless you're thoroughly familiar with US foreign actions for the last 20 years you'll wonder how he can possibly be tell...

  • 美好的一天 A Great Day in Harlem

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Jean Bach   编剧:Jean Bach, Susan Peehl, Matthew Seig

    主演:Quincy Jones, Dizzy Gillespie, Sonny Rollins

      Art Kane, now deceased, coordinated a group photograph of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine. Just about every jazz musician at the time showed up for the photo shoot which took place in front of a brownstone near the 125th street station. The documentary compiles interviews of many of the musicians in the photograph to talk abou...

  • 长发大怪兽 拉 長髪大怪獣 ゲハラ


    导演:田口清隆   编剧:みうらじゅん

    主演:大沢健, 藤井美菜, 丘みつ子, 佐野史郎, 田口トモロヲ, 渡辺裕之, 津田寛治, ピエール瀧

  • 雷特或者少一些 Amleto di meno, Un


    导演:卡尔梅洛·贝内   编剧:


      An experimental video variation on Shakespeare's Hamlet, n intresting experiment mixing the unique Carmelo Bene's vocal thechnique with experimental filmaking.
      The movie is a part of Carmelo Bene's multi-medial project on Hamlet, also including the theatrical movie "Un Amleto di meno", a stage drama and the TV-movie "Hommelette for Hamlet".